Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Quebec to get 3 more MPs in new distribution
Quebec will get three more seats in the House of Commons under proposed legislation to be introduced Thursday by the Conservatives. Sources tell CBC News that Quebec is getting more seats than originally planned to ensure the province's representation ...
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Cameron has lost touch with his constituency
Financial Times
However, Monday's vote does not mean, as Labour wants, that the Conservatives are about to refight the Tory wars of the early 1990s over Europe. Then the split was between eurosceptics and europhiles. Now there are hardly any Conservative europhiles ...
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Hepburn: Are Hudak's days numbered?
Toronto Star
(March 29, 2011) By Bob Hepburn Editorial Page These are worrisome days for Tim Hudak, who if he's not careful could be gone as leader of the Ontario Conservatives as early as next spring. With the stench of defeat still lingering in the Tory offices ...
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10 things to know about scrapping the long-gun registry
After it passes third reading it will go to the Senate, where the Conservatives also hold a majority, and it will become law. The bill stipulates that the records should be destroyed as soon as possible. Q: Why does the government want to destroy the ...
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US should punish Iran for alleged plot, conservatives say
Los Angeles Times
... which allegedly plotted to kill the Saudi ambassador in Washington, by waging a covert war that includes lethal strikes against Iranian intelligence operatives, a group of conservatives told a joint House subcommittee hearing Wednesday. ...
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Conservatives unload with both barrels on NDP tax-hike plan
Globe and Mail (blog)
Stephen Harper's Conservatives are broadening their attack on the Official Opposition, painting New Democrats not only as being in the pockets of unions – but also as a party of tax hikers. "After two weeks of infighting amongst senior NDP leaders, ...
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Globe and Mail (blog)
Conservatives groups get failing grade
House Republicans have a grade for conservative interest groups that apply a litmus test to their every action: F. The outside groups have become more aggressive and punitive in recent years, and the criteria they use to rate Republicans' purity are ...
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Clashes between Karl Rove and conservatives becoming more frequent
Daily Caller
But clashing with the longtime Republican operative and Fox News contributor is now catching on for another group: conservatives, especially those affiliated with the tea party movement. Among the most high profile of these recent attackers are former ...
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Rick Perry and the torture of conservatives
The Hill (blog)
Actually not, I assume, but Perry's bungling of his tax announcement made him look like a buffoon and illustrates the crisis of conservatives in the 2012 campaign. Only Ron Paul is a serious conservative with serious ideas. ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
'It's Working': Conservatives Push Back in Wisconsin - Big Government
By Brett Healy
This is how conservatives win. The facts are ALWAYS on our side. The left has lies, piss and hate. EXPOSURE AND EDUCATION are CRUCIAL to conservatives at ALL LEVELS! That's why I am so happy to see Paul Ryan putting together ...
Big Government
RealClearPolitics - Conservatives Slam Romney on Public Union Fight
By Greg Sargent, WaPo
The fight is a hugely important one to conservatives, with right wing money flowing into the state, and conservative bloggers erupted in fury at Romney, asking how it is that he can be running for president when he isn't willing to take a firm ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
Conservatives Now Officially Hate All of the Republican Presidential ...
By Blue Texan
What's pretty clear at this point is, no matter who the Republican nominee is, they're not going to be loved.
Paul Ryan today at Heritage: Conservatives are all about upward ...
Ryan Streeter Follow Ryan on Twitter While Republican presidential candidates compete with each other on tax plans, Paul Ryan will deliver an important economic address at the Heritage Foundation today in which he'll take the economic ...
ConservativeHome's The Republican
Harry Reid's 2010 election, and why some conservatives are ...
By Benjamin Hodge (Diary)
Jay Cost has his typically-thoughtful article at The Weekly Standard. This article tells us why Mitt Romney is still the front-runner for the.
benjaminhodge's Diary

Web1 new result for Conservatives
Daily Kos: Conservatives slam Mitt Romney for hedging on Ohio ...
Now Romney's reluctance on the issue has drawn a harsh response from a powerful conservative player: The Club for Growth. A spokesman for the group, ...

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