Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Progressive's CMO Jeff Charney Awarded Brand Genius/Marketer of the Year Honor ...
MarketWatch (press release)
MAYFIELD VILLAGE, Ohio, Oct 26, 2011 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Adweek, the essential trade publication for the marketing and advertising industry, has named Jeff Charney, chief marketing officer of Progressive(R) Insurance, a winner of the 2011 Brand Genius ...
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Progressives Find Religion on LAUSD Reform
LA Weekly
"Progressive groups are beginning to have a come-to-Jesus moment," says Michael Dolan, political director for Future Is Now Schools (formerly Green Dot America). "It's a national phenomenon: Reflexively anti–charter school community organizations ...
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Campaign Finance Reformers Launch Progressive Effort To Remove Money From Politics
Huffington Post
Federal Election Commission continues to grow as a trio of progressive media icons have launched a new effort to remove corporate money from elections. The We the People Campaign began on Tuesday, with The Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel, ...
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Protecting "Public Intellectual Life"
"Progressives" in science and other fields increasingly deal with serious opponents by belittling them and ruling their arguments out of order. That wouldn't matter in a free debate, but the left wing in science also disallows debate. ...
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Jean Quan's Big Mistake
East Bay Express
But for progressives, Quan and Kaplan's choice seemed natural. It was an outrage to many people that Johannes Mehserle, the white BART cop who shot and killed Grant, an African-American man, while he lay face down on the ground, was only convicted of ...
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Suicide Voters Are the Most Dangerous
Business Insider
You may call them career politicians, but I call them progressives. People mistakenly assume the word "progressive" is a good thing. People think progress is good – not in terms of the progress that the political establishment is making. ...
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Don't Diss The Drum Circles: Why Hippie Culture Is Still Important to Our Protests
It is precisely the mystical utopian energy that most professional progressives so smugly dismiss that has aroused a salient, mass political consciousness on economic issues. Sign up to stay up to date on the latest Activism & Vision headlines via ...
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Rivals must focus on why the mayor needs to go
What I quickly found out is there's a paradigm in Las Cruces because of some local politics that says progressives care more about theirself and their own lifestyle then they do about anything else. "That's not the type of Democrat that I am. ...
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Fundamental Tax Reform Is Now Unstoppable
With 75% of Americans saying that the country is "on the wrong track", Progressives have started to pin their hopes for the 2012 elections on the notion that the American people don't want pro-growth tax cuts, and would instead prefer to punish "the ...
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