Thursday, October 27, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives' seat redistribution shafts fastest-growing provinces
Vancouver Sun
The legislation reflects a third attempt by the Conservatives to improve fairness in the distribution of Commons seats, and its passage looks assured given the Conservative majority. Uppal asserted that it's impossible to achieve full representation by ...
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This Tory addiction to the Europe myth could cost them 2015
The Guardian
Monday's display was damaging, Ashcroft continues, "because it suggested to ordinary voters that the Conservatives are far away from them when it comes to priorities – the most important issues facing the country, and their families". ...
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The Guardian
MPs want CBC to turn over internal files, potentially revealing sources
Globe and Mail
A bid by the Conservatives to peek at the CBC's internal files is sparking a debate over parliamentary privilege, Charter-protected freedom of the press and the independence of the courts. The Tories on the Commons access to information committee put ...
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Globe and Mail
Opposition no longer so divided over long-gun registry
Still, he added, this "extra spitefulness" on the part of Conservatives, over the objections of police services which have sought to retain the data, is "making a lot of folks back home feel very uncomfortable." Dennis Bevington, the New Democrat MP ...
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Privacy watchdog sounds alarm on Conservative e-snooping legislation
Globe and Mail (blog)
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews has confirmed in recent weeks that the Conservatives intend to revive legislation they did not manage to pass as a minority government – bills that would give police new capabilities to conduct electronic surveillance ...
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Globe and Mail (blog)
Conservative Activist: Why OWS Should Protest The Super Scary George Soros
Numerous conservatives have slammed Occupy Wall Street for protesting the "wrong" people. Rather than the bankers who ran the global economy into the ground during the Bush era, it's the current White House that deserves the people's ire, they say. ...
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Liberals urge public hearings into Veterans Affairs cuts
"The Conservatives like to wrap themselves in the flag and pretend they are the only party that cares about veterans," Casey said in a news release. "But their apparent desire to cancel public hearings only confirms how disingenuous they really are. ...
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Young voters desert conservatives in Seoul poll
Civic activist Park Won-Soon, a political outsider, triumphed over Na Kyung-Won of the conservative ruling Grand National Party (GNP) by seven percentage points in Wednesday's vote. The result was a blow to the conservatives' hopes of retaining power ...
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Conservatives Reject Call To Leave Israel Out of Campaign
The head of one firmly non-partisan group says that his organization is thinking of taking the pledge, but they're worried about the same thing that bothers the conservative ideologues: The only people likely to make Israel a political issue next fall ...
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Conservative Mayor Good for Greensboro Greensboro
Knight is the first Republican mayor of Greensboro, and the first conservative mayor in decades. Because he is a Republican and a conservative, the liberals who have run Greensboro forever set out to make him look bad and they have done a good job of ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
Teachers' Unions and Conservatives Unite on Education . . . | The ...
By Michael Warren
Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Arne Duncan, Barack Obama, Congress, Department of Education, Education, Mike Enzi, No Child Left Behind and Tom Harkin from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available ...
The Weekly Standard Blog
Moonbattery » Forgotten Second-Rate Actor Calls for Conservatives ...
By Dave Blount
Explicitly calling for the murder of Sarah Palin isn't the only bright idea to come out of Hollywood recently. Actor Steven Weber (he used to be in a show called Wings) wants an Inquisition to rid the country of conservatives: The scale of Right ...
IC Arizona: Interview with Conservatives Lead radio show on Pearce ...
By Rachel Alexander
conservative and libertarian politics and file chapter 7 bankruptcy in arizona.
IC Arizona
Capitol Confidential » Conservatives use Cuomo to counter Obama
By Jimmy Vielkind, Capitol bureau
The Club for Growth, a conservative, Washington D.C.-based business group, is using Gov. Andrew Cuomo's support for letting New York's millionaires tax expire to hit Barack Obama, who has proposed such a tax on the federal level. ...
Capitol Confidential
Politician admits that only conservatives ... - AMERICAblog News
By John Aravosis (DC)
News and opinion about US politics from a liberal/Democratic/progressive perspective.
US Politics | AMERICAblog News

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