Friday, October 28, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Islamic party sweeps Tunisian election
The Express Tribune
REUTERS TUNIS: Tunisia's main Islamic party emerged victorious Thursday in the Arab Spring's first elections, taking 90 of 217 seats in the new assembly nine months after the ouster of dictator Zine el Abidine Ben Ali. Violent protests broke out in the ...
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The Express Tribune
Newsmaker: Gaddafi son may prefer surrender to death, after all
Saif Al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, gestures as he talks to reporters in Tripoli, August 23, 2011. By David Stamp (Reuters) - Saif al-Islam Gaddafi once vowed to fight and die on Libyan soil, but now he may be ready to hand himself in ...
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A Cosmopolitan Trove of Exotic Beauty
New York Times
Whether in the form of love poems, proverbs or passages from Islam's holy book, the Koran, calligraphy spreads like a fine net over everything, creating an art that almost literally speaks. "Praise be to God, the King, the pure Truth," declares a ...
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New York Times
Seif Al-Islam's surrender to be ICC's tough test
Arab News
By REUTERS AMSTERDAM: Negotiating the surrender of Seif Al-Islam, the son of Libya's slain dictator Muammar Qaddafi, would present logistical and security challenges to the world's top war crimes court which is examining various possible scenarios to ...
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Seif Islam Kadafi reportedly seeking to surrender; U.N. lifts 'no-fly' zone
Los Angeles Times
Seif Islam Kadafi, the prominent son of the late Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi, reportedly wants to surrender and turn himself over to the International Criminal Court, Reuters reported Thursday, citing a source with Libya's Transitional National ...
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The WISE Women of Islam: What a Conference in Istanbul Can Tell Us About the ...
Huffington Post (blog)
A similar logic has often been applied to the concept that women in Islamic societies might strive to become anything other than the "absolute property of some man" (another Churchillian gem). Such apathy was, however, on poor display October 14 as ...
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Muslim Activist Challenges Fla. Republican's Views
Allen West, R-Fla., shown in July, has drawn controversy for his comments about Islam. A Muslim activist in South Florida has devoted himself to challenging West's views. Rep. Allen West, R-Fla., shown in July, has drawn controversy for his comments ...
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CAIR-FL Thanks Rubio, Scott for Avoiding Event with Hate Group Leader
Sacramento Bee
Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Governor Rick Scott for declining to speak at next week's Florida Tea Party convention, which features a presentation by anti-Islam extremist Pamela Geller and another Islamophobe. Rubio and Scott are listed as "confirmed ...
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Shari'ah ≠ Islamic Law: Misunderstanding the Role of Islam in Libya
Religion Dispatches
Of course, you could take Juan Cole's angle on this, and ask why we weren't as concerned about the Islamic nature of the "new" Iraq and Afghanistan. Omar Ashour speculates on the reason for the mention of Shari'ah, positing that firm references to the ...
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CAIR: Allow Hijab at Sherburne County Jail
FOX 9 News
Ali says her religion, Islam, requires her to wear a hijab in public -- and the point she's making may have implications for areas beyond Minnesota's boundaries. "A Muslim woman's practice of wearing a headscarf is a sincerely held belief which is a ...
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FOX 9 News

Blogs3 new results for Islam news
Multicultural policy breeds distrust in Germany — RT
The German government's attempts to unite different religious groups seem to be turning sour. Introducing lessons on Islam in schools was meant to help integrate the country's three million Muslims.
News RSS : Today
Imprisoned For 'Blasphemy' Pakistani Christian Woman Pressured ...
By persecution
This entry was posted on Thursday, October 27th, 2011 at 2:26 pm and is filed under Asia, Countries, ICC News, Islam, News, Pakistan. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, ...
Nation of Islam leader, Farrakhan, condemns killing of Libyan leader ...
By Freeha
News Agencies - October 27, 2011. CHICAGO — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan on Tuesday said the killing of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was "an assassination" and predicted the U.S. was unprepared for the looming ...
Euro-Islam: News and Analysis...

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