Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News4 new results for "Family Research Council"
Social conservatives make their mark in Washington
Washington Times (blog)
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES By Rachel Hunter Although the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit wrapped up last weekend, social and evangelical activists are networking and appear ready to make sure their opinions are understood in 2012. ...
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Washington Times (blog)
Veterans unhappy with war in Iraq
senior fellow for national security at the Family Research Council, says, "I tend to agree in Afghanistan, especially [with] the size of the war that President Obama has been fighting with 100000 troops on the ground. From the very beginning it should ...
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'Value Voters Summit' Starts DC Ruckus
The three day conference featured leaders from the Family Research Council, the Heritage Foundation, the American Family Association, and the National Organization for Marriage. The seminars included forums on 'Saving the American Dream,' 'Saving ...
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Top Lobbyists: Grassroots
The Hill
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council. At a time when fiscal hawks are grabbing the spotlight, Perkins is making sure such social issues as abortion don't fall by the wayside. Travis Plunkett, Consumer Federation of America. ...
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Web4 new results for "Family Research Council"
Why the Family Research Council Deserves to be Labeled a 'Hate ...
Simultaneous to the Summit, the Family Research Council announced that it was launching a "Values Voter Bus Tour," which "will travel the country over the ...
FRC Family Research Council called me last night asking for money ...
I told them I would likely have contributed but Mr Perkins comments on the straw poll offended me as I am a Christian that supports Ron Paul. He said he hadn't ...
Family Research Council | Restoring Truthiness
Political Pile · Stephen Colbert · Jon Stewart · Members · Groups · Forums · Links. You are here: Home / Archives for Family Research Council ...
NOM's "Treasure[d]" Relationship With The Family Research Council
Gallagher's decision to single out the Family Research Council (FRC) – the organization that hosted the Values Voter Summit at which Gallagher was speaking ...

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