Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Google Alert - "Tea Party"

News10 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party bringing cash to 2012 U.S. elections
Tea bags hang from a hat on a Tea Party supporter during a rally for the Tea Party Express in Bettendorf, Iowa, September 1, 2011. By Kim Dixon WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican candidates in the 2012 US elections will have a powerful weapon they ...
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Tea Party favorite Perry flubs date of US revolution
CBS News
Perry, a favorite of Tea Party Republicans, replied, "Our Founding Fathers never meant for Washington, DC to be the fount of all wisdom. As a matter of fact, they were very much afraid of that because they'd just had this experience with this far-away ...
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Tea Party Launches Occupy Skid Row Movement
Huffington Post (blog) (satire)
Fed up with what they see as a preponderance of unpleasant poor people controlling the national agenda, the Tea Party has countered the burgeoning Occupy Wall Street movement with its own series of radical protest groups called "Occupy Skid Row. ...
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NY group challenges government grants to business
Wall Street Journal
AP ALBANY, NY — Taxpayers allied with the Tea Party movement urged New York's top court on Wednesday to help them end what they call corporate welfare and require companies to return what could be billions of dollars to state taxpayers. ...
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Will: Occupy Wall St. vs. the Tea Party
Washington Post
Tea Party Envy is leavened by Woodstock Envy — note the drum circles at the Manhattan site — which is a facet of Sixties Envy. Hence, conservatives should be rejoicing. From 1965 through 1968, the left found its voice and style in consciousness ...
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Herman Cain Praises Greenspan at Risk of Tea Party Support
ABC News (blog)
GOP presidential contender Herman Cain is surging in the polls, but his support of Alan Greenspan is unlikely to win approval from his Tea Party fans. At the Republican debate Tuesday night, Cain touted the former chairman as the best leader the ...
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ABC News (blog)
We Need a Green Tea Party, You Betcha
Huffington Post (blog)
As crazy as the Tea Party may seem, they've got one thing very, very right. The deficit spending has gone too far. Continuous deficits and the ever-expanding debt are leading the USA -- and much of the world -- into an unprecedented economic and social ...
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Joe Walsh Accuses Ex-Wife Of Lying About Back Child Support
Huffington Post
Tea Party-affiliated US Rep. Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) has already described claims of his owing more than $115000 in back child support payments as "wildly and off-the-charts inaccurate," but in a court filing submitted Tuesday, the freshman congressman ...
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Voters Deal Setback to Tea Party Faction on Wake School Board
Fayetteville Observer (blog)
But a Tea Party-fueled majority on the school board interpreted this to mean that the parents wanted a radical overhaul of school assignments, which they promptly embarked upon. Every since, the school board and system has been torn by partisan ...
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Why the Tea Party Can't Accept Romney
Perhaps it's because he is the anti-Tea Party, anti-talk-radio, anti-anti-government candidate. Romney will never be able to appeal to those who want "limited government." He fundamentally cannot; he is, at bottom, a center-right candidate who believes ...
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Blogs4 new results for "Tea Party"
Tea Party opposes UN proclamation – City Limits - Gainesville Sun ...
By Chris Curry
Tea Party member Bruce Nelson, who frequently speaks before commissioners on local budget issues, described the U.N. as an "evil organization" that seeks to redistribute wealth, open borders and have a single-world government. Lloyd W. ...
City Limits
Tea party Rep: I had 'verbal' agreement not to pay child support ...
By Andrew Jones
Tea party Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) has a message for those who have been critical of him failing to pay child support: Don't blame me, blame my ex-wife. According to the Chicago Sun Times, the Illinois congressman said him and his former ...
The Raw Story
Tea Party is losing the GOP presidential primary | Philip Klein ...
By Philip Klein
During last year's midterm elections, Tea Party activists swamped Republican primaries and helped send dozens of lawmakers to Washington who were committed to fighting big government. But the once-feared constituency is looking more ...
Examiner RSS
Annual tea party, bake sale Saturday in Belfast — Maine News ...
By UnBylined
BELFAST, Maine — The annual English tea and bake sale will be held 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 15, at St. Margaret's Episcopal Church. The traditional Victorian-style party will feature live music and a menu of cucumber sandwiches, ...
Bangor Daily News

Web1 new result for "Tea Party"
Tea Party: Stop Comparing 'Occupy Wall Street' To Us - US News ...
Comparisons to Tea Party are wrong, say organizers.

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