Friday, October 14, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News5 new results for "Family Research Council"
Ron Paul: The Only Choice For Values Voters
The Moral Liberal
The Summit was sponsored by several of the most prominent socially conservative, Christian Right groups that traditionally support Establishment Republican candidates: The Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, The American Family ...
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The Moral Liberal
Perry: Energy Plan Includes Alaska Fields
Rick Perry addresses the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington on October 7, 2011. Republican presidential hopeful Texas Gov. Rick Perry addresses the Family Research Council's Values Voter Summit in Washington on October 7, 2011. ...
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10 Worst Myths About LGBT People (blog)
It calls the Family Research Council (FRC) and the American Family Association (AFA) the "chief purveyors of lies about LGBT people." Last weekend, the FRC and AFA hosted all the leading Republican Party candidates for president at their "Values Voter ...
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'Solid' Republican candidate in OH
"And there is the fact that the Family Research Council is endorsing him. The conservatives and the pro-family movement are rallying behind him. And we believe we can beat Sherrod Brown. "Sherrod Brown is pro-homosexual. He's pro same-sex marriage. ...
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The Cypress Times
WASHINGTON, DC- The US House of Representatives last night approved the "Protect Life Act" to ensure that government funding is not used to fund abortion under Obamacare. "We applaud US Rep. Joe Pitts (R-PA), Rep. Dan Lipinski(D-IL) and the majority of ...
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Web1 new result for "Family Research Council"
The Family Research Council Tries To Pray Away Occupy Wall ...
The FRC typically clumps together their stereotypical views of the vast gay community and vehemently they 'doth protest too much'. But, now this religious right, ...

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