Friday, October 14, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
Hudak planning to feed McGuinty 'humble pie'
The NDP won 17 seats -- seven more than 2003 -- while the Liberals were reduced to 53 seats, one seat shy of a majority government. Premier Dalton McGuinty shrugged off Hudak's warning, saying all three party leaders should "better understand" how ...
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Liberals propose new leadership selection system
Beginning of Story Content The Liberals are looking to give grassroots party members greater influence in selecting the party's next leader, according to a commission report released on Thursday. The New Brunswick Liberal Association launched its ...
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Yaffe: Federal Liberals 'rebuilding our credibility'
Calgary Herald
By Barbara Yaffe, Calgary Herald October 14, 2011 Federal Liberals have begun the laborious task of putting Humpty Dumpty back together again, five months after a historic electoral setback. In an interview this week, interim leader Bob Rae reported: ...
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Liberalism's Auto-De-Fe
These recent remarks give you a sense of the lovely, uplifting, and edifying spirit of modern liberalism – which is, we're told by liberals, the ideology of compassion. What we're seeing from many liberal quarters these days is, to quote the words of ...
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Liberals bankrupt of ideas on education
There was no mention made of the down-loading of costs to local school boards and the ten years of chronic under-funding of public education that have been a mainstay of Liberal government policy since 2001. There was also no mention of the Supreme ...
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Rick Perry's Jobs Plan Is a Nightmare for Liberals
The Atlantic Wire
Rick Perry's jobs-creation plan is a liberal nightmare. On Friday, the Texas governor unveiled his manifesto at a steel plant in Pittsburgh, which promises to generate 1.2 million jobs by expanding oil and gas production and slashing environmental ...
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The Atlantic Wire
Liberals deliver tongue-lashing over Redford's cabinet picks
Calgary Sun
Alberta Liberal leader Raj Sherman spoke out Friday on Redford's cabinet designations, suggesting some of the ministers now holding important portfolios were cut deals rather than selected for their merit. Sherman singled out Ted Morton, Fred Horne and ...
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Trudeau rules out running for Liberal leadership
The Liberals are in need of a new leader, but Quebec MP Justin Trudeau says it won't be him, at least for now. Trudeau, one of the few household names left in the Liberal party, told CTV's National Affairs he won't be running for party leader at the ...
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Republicans Will Show Liberals What Government-Run Health Care Looks Like
The Atlantic Wire
You might look at House Republicans's attempts to govern as simply a way to convert liberals to libertarians. The point of getting the government out of health care, the argument might go, is so that legislators never have to make such choices at all. ...
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The Atlantic Wire

Blogs2 new results for Liberals
Liberals reach another Hall of Shame Moment with "Let Women Die ...
It's being dubbed by liberals and Democrat politicos alike as the "Let Women Die" act. They're even fundraising off of the nickname (and, of course, off the backs of millions of aborted babies): We have to act fast. House Republicans are set to ...
Sister Toldjah
Radio Free NJ: - Liberals And Violence
By Tom
This is an interesting example of how liberals think about violence. Virtually all the political threats of violence and all the actual violence that we've seen in recent years has come from the left. Greek rioters kill three. Vast swaths of London are ...
Radio Free NJ

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