Friday, October 28, 2011

Google Alert - "Family Research Council"

News8 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council tells court to strike down health care reform, claims ...
Florida Independent
By Ashley Lopez | 10.28.11 | 2:01 pm The influential anti-abortion and anti-gay group Family Research Council announced this week that it filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court requesting that the health care reform law be struck down because ...
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Does the Religious Right Really Care about Children?
Huffington Post (blog)
Despite clear evidence that anti-gay laws hurt, rather than help, children, the response to the report by the religious right has been swift, if predictably incoherent: clearly without reading the report, the Family Research Council (FRC) disputed the ...
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Gay Marriage Will Destroy America! Rep Franks Tells FRC's Perkins
Lez Get Real
This has never sunk into those cultural supremacists such as Representative Trent Franks of Arizona who talked to Tony Perkins of the hate group Family Research Council. FRANKS: We understand that when we're granting the rights of marriage, ...
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Are Mormons Christians?
Fort Worth Star Telegram
Rick Perry as the Republican presidential nominee during the Family Research Council's Values Voters Summit this month in Washington. He characterized Perry as "a genuine follower of Jesus Christ." In explaining his comments, Jeffress told the ...
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Fort Worth Star Telegram
Scalise, Landry, Boustany join health overhaul law brief
Charles Boustany, Jeff Landry and Steve Scalise The crux of the brief filed by the conservative Family Research Council, backed by 30 Republican House members including Reps. Steve Scalise of Jefferson, Jeff Landry of New Iberia and Charles Boustany of ...
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Trent Franks Tells Tony Perkins That Gay Marriage Threatens The Nation
On Top Magazine
By On Top Magazine Staff During an appearance on the Family Research Council's (FRC) radio program Washington Watch Weekly, Franks told the group's president, Tony Perkins, that marriage should remain a "special right" for heterosexual couples. ...
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On Top Magazine
Group Wants Entire Health Care Law Thrown Out
Christian Broadcasting Network
The Family Research Council has joined 30 members of Congress in urging the US Supreme Court to overturn President Barack Obama's health care law. Supporters want the justices to overturn the entire law that requires most Americans have health ...
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House GOP: Obamacare Will Penalize Married Couples, Encourage Cohabitation
Christian Post
Family Research Council President Tony Perkins also predicted Obamacare would impose a "marriage penalty" in a 2009 statement. House Republicans contended during their hearing that the nonpartisan data from the Joint Committee on Taxation and the ...
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Web2 new results for "Family Research Council"
Family Research Council says Hillary Clinton and the State ...
A panel of experts at an event sponsored by the Family Research Council Wednesday argued that the State Department has been failing to advance religious ...
Scalise, Landry Boustany Join Family Research Council's ...
Scalise, Landry Boustany Join Family Research Council's Obamacare Brief. Posted by: MacAoidh on Friday, October 28, 2011, 9:57. Scalise, Landry Boustany ...

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