Friday, October 28, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Quebec's anti-corruption crusader Duchesneau gets the axe
Globe and Mail
But opposition critics questioned whether Mr. Duchesneau was dismissed because he embarrassed the Liberals. "If Mr. Duchesneau is being fired today, it's because he's being reproached for talking too much. For revealing some things. ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals, labor group slam Democrats' supercommittee proposal
Washington Post (blog)
By Felicia Sonmez (J. Scott Applewhite - AP) Democrats are getting more pushback on their debt-reduction plan – but it's not coming from where you might think. On Friday, the AFL-CIO, the country's largest labor group and a staunch Democratic ally, ...
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A Call to Arms Every Liberal Can Love
If you're a liberal (as Phil Ochs said, "Get it?") looking for safe, non-socialist ground from which to argue that America's system for overseeing Wall Street has serious flaws, here's a document for you. In an order (PDF) released Thursday, ...
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Auditor-general raps Liberals for Hydro's sketchy accounting
The Province
BC's auditor-general told the Liberal government Thursday to stop letting BC Hydro use an accounting system that portrays its financial picture in a rosier hue than it should be. In his report on the Crown-owned utility's use of "rate-regulated ...
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ANALYSIS: Liberals evade outrage on power plant issue
If nothing else, the McGuinty Liberals have become the masters of misdirection at Queen's Park. And never has that been clearer or better executed than this week — all to the government's benefit as it skipped quietly away from controversy generated ...
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Klees aborts run for speaker
Toronto Star
Many Tories complained that Klees' push for the job — after the failure of his power play to be named Hudak's deputy leader — was tantamount to "crossing the floor" and joining the Liberals. "I think there's no question that the Conservative party ...
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Liberals get 'deja vu' and complain Dems have bungled in debt talks
The Hill
By Mike Lillis - 10/28/11 05:56 AM ET Liberals on and off Capitol Hill agonized Thursday that supercommittee Democrats had bungled early negotiations over a budget deal and put their party in a position to be bested again by Republicans. ...
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Hamilton: Liberal win doesn't mean all's fine with green energy strategy
Toronto Star
It's tempting to think that the Liberal win earlier this month was a vote of confidence in the government's green energy strategy, warts and all. But one could just as easily argue that the outcome of the election would have been very different if PC ...
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Who needs conservatives ... when liberals do such a good job on themselves?
Philadelphia Inquirer
And I have to say that last week the game ball went to the liberals, who displayed an amazing ability to call out and criticize the most radical, dangerous members of their squad. This, of course, made it difficult for conservatives to do the same ...
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Texas store owner won't teach gun class to liberals, Muslims
Houston Chronicle (blog)
"If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner-in-chief, please do not take this class. You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as under the law," said Crockett Keller in the ...
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Houston Chronicle (blog)

Blogs1 new result for Liberals
The American Spectator : Why Liberals Love Halloween
By Windsor Mann
Halloween is a big party. It is the third biggest political party in America. This annual holiday is a nonpartisan event, but politics shows up like everyone else -- cloaked and masked. Not everyone parties with politics, but liberals are most ...
The American Spectator and The...

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