Saturday, October 15, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islamist protesters march in Tunisia, riot police fire tear gas
Los Angeles Times
In Islam, it is forbidden to depict Allah. The Reuters news agency reported that some demonstrators tried to break into the prime minister's office. The report said Friday's protest was the largest demonstration in Tunis staged by Islamists to date. ...
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BBC reporter sentenced for links to Islamist group
The Associated Press
Authorities in Tajikistan, on Afghanistan's northern border, have grown alarmed over the persisting popularity of radical strands of Islam and have taken increasingly strict measures to stamp them out. But government critics say heavy-handed efforts to ...
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Islamic Banks Mull Future, New Markets
KUALA LUMPUR – Mapping out growth strategies for the booming industry, Islamic finance officials will meet in Malaysia next week to debate the industry's future path. "To a certain extent, global investors' appetite towards emerging markets may be ...
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Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's Facebook fatwa fell flat.
"In general if it requires engaging in [immorality and evil acts] (such as spreading corruption, lies, and false materials) or if there is concern that it is sinful, or it strengthens the enemies of Islam and Muslims, it is not permissible. ...
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'99' superheroes not on U.S. TV
Albany Times Union
11, 2001, attacks when he had an idea: To counter the terrorists' message, he would create a children's television series about superheroes who embody the values and history of Islam and the Middle East. Ten years later, Mutawa's dream has become "THE ...
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Mormonism is more like Islam, says Southern Baptist president
Atlanta Journal Constitution (blog)
Texas Gov. Rick Perry this morning called the controversy over GOP presidential rival Mitt Romney's faith a campaign distraction, ]saying out of work Americans aren't interested in "side issues and sideshows." Appearing on ABC's "Good Morning America," ...
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Kalima launches "Islamic Arts" initiative at Frankfurt Book Fair
Middle East Online
Initiative of Translation project of ADACH includes rich collection of books specialised in Islamic arts. ABU DHABI – Kalima, the translation project of the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage (ADACH), launched its "Islamic Arts" initiative on ...
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Middle East Online
The Arab Spring's Forgotten Freedom
American Spectator
But there's surely no question that the general Islamic view of religious liberty is part of the problem. Certainly there are variations of Islamic thought about this issue. Nevertheless, Islam has a long history of unreasonably restricting the ...
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Anti-Islam Speaker Sparks Muslim Protests on Arkansas Campus
American Spectator (blog)
By Robert Stacy McCain on 10.14.11 @ 12:48PM Muslim students at Arkansas State University tried to prevent a critic of Islamic sharia law from speaking as part of a campus lecture series. Nonie Darwish, Egyptian-born author of Now They Call Me Infidel, ...
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Blogs1 new result for Islam news
Counter-terrorism expert calls for "United States of Islam" - Care2 ...
By Gillian Miller
A leading Muslim Brotherhood figure and counter-terrorism expert in London has called upon the world's Arabs to launch a multi-national movement with the goal of establishing a single Islamic state. Dr Kamal el-Helbawy, the Brotherhood's ...
Care2 News Network - Newly Submitted

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