Friday, October 14, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Evangelical pastors divided ahead of 2012 caucuses
Mike Huckabee won Iowa's Republican presidential caucuses partly by locking up the support of evangelical pastors, the former Baptist minister's brethren and a potent voting bloc within the state's influential Christian conservatives. ...
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Hudak has plan to attract Toronto voters
Toronto Star
Conservatives have said privately that the "foreign worker" issue — which Hudak dropped amid controversy on Day 6 of the race — hurt them in urban multicultural communities and with women. But it was the NDP that made breakthroughs, picking up the ...
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Quebec could get more seats in bigger House, PM hints
The Conservatives have promised to reintroduce legislation to increase the number of seats for the three provinces, but a report in the Globe and Mail said that plan has been delayed because of fears of a backlash in Quebec if it loses ground in ...
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Romney Competitive With Top GOP Rivals Among Conservatives
by Lydia Saad, Senior Gallup Poll Editor PRINCETON, NJ -- Gallup's most recent update of Republican preferences for the 2012 presidential nomination, conducted prior to this week's candidate debate in New Hampshire, finds that, among conservatives, ...
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The only way is marriage?
The Guardian
This is not about conservatives accepting homosexuality, but about making homosexuality conservative. If two people want to publicly affirm their love and have a celebration, why is a civil partnership ceremony not good enough? ...
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The Guardian
Profile: Defence Secretary Philip Hammond
BBC News
Elected in 1997, a bad year for the Conservatives, he was one of the first of that year's intake to be promoted to the health team within a year. The long-serving frontbencher shadowed various departments in opposition, including Work and Pensions, ...
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BBC News
Stop the presses! Harper to create conservative media empire
Globe and Mail
In a bold initiative to continue making conservative values Canadian values, this column can breathlessly reveal that Stephen Harper has come up with his masterstroke. When future historians look back on the Harper years, they may well consider this ...
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Globe and Mail
Let's focus on strengthening families - E.J. Dionne Jr.
Houston Chronicle
Conservatives should acknowledge that economic justice is vital to strengthening families. For example: Our national policies on sick leave and family leave are among the most anti-family in the developed world. When faced with a choice between the ...
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Group ranks top conservatives in Virginia statehouse
Washington Examiner (blog)
A new ranking of the most conservative members of the Virginia legislature includes the Republican Party leaders in the House of Delegates and a southwestern Democrat. Among the Republicans with a perfect score — dubbed "Defenders of Liberty" — are ...
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Blogs2 new results for Conservatives
Cain's Race Not As Big An Issue With Conservatives As Obama's ...
(CNN) -- Three years after the nation elected its first African-American president, the Republican Party could make its own history -- given his rising poll numbers and raised awareness among voters and in the press, Herman Cain is the first ... - Most Popular - National News
Cain's 9-9-9 plan: Manna from heaven for conservatives? | The Daily ...
By Bob Maistros
Outcries from the right notwithstanding, the former restaurant executive's plan should be viewed more like manna from heaven for conservatives and true tax reformers, because Cain has delivered the equivalent of the term "net neutrality" to ...
The Daily Caller

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