Sunday, October 16, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Local groups allege biased training colors FBI dealings with American Muslims
San Jose Mercury News
According to a series of articles, some of the training materials compare Islam's founder, the Prophet Muhammad, to a "cult leader," and the religious obligation of giving charity, called zakat, to a "funding mechanism for combat. ...
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Tunisia Islamists set for big election gains
The Associated Press
Others see an opportunity to bring a moderate form of political Islam into the Arab world — one styled after the successful ruling party in thriving Turkey. The Ennahda Party was brutally crushed by overthrown dictator Ben Ali in the 1990s, ...
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Focus on Islam's message of equality and justice
Malaysia Star
The record of enforcement in countries such as Pakistan and Nigeria have brought Islam and hudud law into disrepute. Those tried were mostly women and the poor. In the end, public outcries of injustice and repeated calls for repeal forced the Pakistani ...
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'Islam is fixed, static but flexible in implementation'
ISLAM is characterised as fixed in terms of its principals but flexible when it comes to implementation, according to Tan Sri Ibrahim Lembut, Director General and Chief Judge of the Malaysian Syariah Judiciary Department in a presentation paper titled ...
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Islam is against terrorism: governor
LAHORE - Islam is against all forms of terrorism, violence and torture and preaches toleration, endurance, peace and in an Islamic society, every community is free to live according to their beliefs and faith, as Islam is a torchbearer of human rights ...
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Tunisia's Islamist party condemns attack on chief
About 100 men firebombed the home of Nessma private television direcotor Nabil Karoui late Friday in protest at the airing of a film that they say blasphemed Islam. He was not home and his family managed to escape. Witnesses described the assailants, ...
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Why Seven Times Around the Kabah?
Islam teaches us that there is an endless profundity contained within this succinct answer. However, this can be further explained as follows. First, I will focus on the command to carry out the prescribed rite, and then I will attend to the number ...
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Islam defined by 'love one another'
Edmonton Journal
Nancy Steeves' invitation to present on Islam at Southminster Steinhauer United Church in August, I began by focusing on buzz words: hijab, jihad and sharia. In the spirit of apologia, I showed photos of several Muslim women of my mother and ...
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Like good little dhimmi, West stays silent about Coptic oppression
Washington Examiner
Not to anyone ignorant of Islamic law. Unfortunately, that criterion includes virtually all media reporting the story. Raymond Ibrahim, an Islam specialist, Arabic speaker and author of "The Al Qaeda Reader," catalogs the events that turned a church ...
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The Texan-Iranian, the Saudi ambassador, and the tale of two cousins
And it seems to show a deepening post-Arab Spring rivalry between predominantly Shia Iran and Sunni Saudi Arabia - champions of the two often violently antagonistic strands of Islam. To those who knew Mansour Arbabsiar during his 30 years in Texas, ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business ...
TRIPOLI - An influential Libyan scholar has called for a role for moderate Islam in Libya\'s political process following the ouster of long-standing leader ...

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