Saturday, October 15, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Even conservatives say the dole is too low
Sydney Morning Herald
Joining an unlikely conservative push for a rise in the Newstart Allowance, Ian Harper argued its level was now so low compared with disability pensions and the basic wage that even ''hard-hearted conservatives'' were alarmed at the lack of compassion. ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Cain is the kind of black man conservatives love - Leonard Pitts Jr.Cain is ...
Houston Chronicle
Modern social conservatives, in my experience, do not hate black people en masse. To the contrary, there are two kinds of blacks they love. The first is those, like Rice, who are mainly mute on the subject of race, seldom so impolite as to say or do ...
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Conservative Party Conference 2011: Have David Cameron's Tories lost touch ...
By David Robson At 6.30pm on Saturday, the eve of the Conservative Party Conference, David and Samantha Cameron enter Manchester's Midland Hotel. Surrounded by aides and security men before and aft, they walk at a speed ordinary people achieve only by ...
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Why Liam Fox had to resign
The Guardian
Conservatives want the new defence secretary Philip Hammond to reassure rightwingers at a meeting of the 1922 committee that was in Fox's diary. Photograph: Oli Scarff/Getty Images At 4.15pm on Friday, as civil servants walked out of the Ministry of ...
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Rex Murphy: Newfoundland is a province in denial
National Post (blog)
As expected, the Conservatives, under Premier Kathy Dunderdale, rolled to victory on the momentum accumulated under the one-man show of Danny Williams, who maintained nearly unheard of levels of support in the province until he stepped down in late ...
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Politically Speaking: Vander Plaats says Iowa conservatives still looking for ...
Sioux City Journal (blog)
Three-time governor candidate Bob Vander Plaats said Iowa conservatives are having a hard time moving to embrace candidates in 2011, primarily because there are so many to choose from. Vander Plaats contended by this time in 2007, a few months before ...
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His call came as former Labour Defence Secretary Lord Reid said the Conservatives had been too loose in adhering to the Prime Minister's own pledge to be transparent and to his strengthened ministerial code. He said legitimate tactics deployed in ...
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Harper vows to balance House seats
Vancouver Sun
Without being specific on when the legislation will be introduced, Harper provided an assurance that it is coming, and that it will reflect the specific promises outlined in the Conservatives' recent election platform. In that document, the Tories ...
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Will Herman Cain's rise damage Iowa?
Sioux City Journal
And Michele Bachmann, who just last week surrounded herself with a group of Iowa pastors at Des Moines hotel and told conservatives that they "don't have to settle" for social moderates, can't be counted out, given her Waterloo roots and aggressive ...
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What Christie Should Do for 2016 or 2020
I can't say he needs to "do something" because he already did what conservatives would normally praise him for; back in May of this year, Governor Christie took New Jersey out of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative program (RGGI). ...
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Blogs5 new results for Conservatives
RealClearPolitics - Will Conservatives Back Imperfect Romney?
By Gloria Borger, CNN
He's the best debater. He's got his issues and his rejoinders down pat. He brushes away his opponents like lint on his lapel. And all with such ease. That said, there's a teensy problem he just can't seem to beat: Conservatives don't like him. ...
RealClearPolitics - Homepage
#OccupyBoston Ruins Food Bank Fundraiser, Conservatives Step in ...
By Warner Todd Huston
Notice how conservatives stepped up to the plate with hard earned donations. It is a proven fact that conservatives give far more time, money and effort to charities than democrats or the left. Honestly, how much more evidence is needed to ...
Big Government
Occupy Boston Ruins Food Bank Fundraiser, Conservatives Step in ...
By Warner Todd Huston
Occupy Boston Ruins Food Bank Fundraiser, Conservatives Step in With $3700 Fund Drive. Written By : Warner Todd Huston. The Greater Boston Food Bank intended to have a fundraising event in Boston's Dewey Square over the weekend ...
Right Wing News
Conservatives Support Boston Needy Who Were Harmed By ...
By smitty
Ah, except that it is conservatives in the role of good guy and the Old Media can't have that, now can they? It's all right. Our audience in Heaven, the one who matters, notices. The rewards, positive and negative, shall not go ungiven. Bookmark ...
The Other McCain
Media Silent As Occupy Boston Ruins Food Bank Event ...
By Warner Todd Huston
The Greater Boston Food Bank intended to hold a fundraising event in Boston's Dewey Square over the weekend of the 14th of October. It was to be called the "Greenway Mobile Food Fest" and designed to fundraise for those in need, but due ...
Big Journalism

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