Monday, October 17, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islam-Based Superheroes: Here to Save the Day or Villains in Disguise?
Fox News (blog)
"'The 99' is a project about repositioning Islam to Muslims," Al-Mutawa said. "When those guys hijacked those airplanes [on Sept. 11] and committed a crime in the name of my religion, they put a stain on my religion that only God can erase. ...
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Fox News (blog)
Munawar Hassan asks West to change anti-Islam outlook
The Nation, Pakistan
LAHORE – Jamaat-e-Islami chief Syed Munawar Hassan has said that if the western nations do not change their anti-Islam outlook, millions of Osamas would be born in the Muslim Ummah against their oppression and tyranny. ...
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Full Text: Imam Khamenei Warns America Against Wrong Move
We are all soldiers of the Islamic Republic and Islam and this unified and strong system will stand up against all evil plots and actions without making any concessions." His Eminence said that today is the time for selfless efforts, resistance and ...
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Innovation key to success of Islamic finance industry
Arab News
By MUSHTAK PARKER | ARAB NEWS Innovation is the key to the future success of the Islamic finance industry and to meet the challenges of contributing to economic growth and to facilitate internationalization of the industry. According to Nor Mohamed ...
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Hajj: Lessons to Draw
Every able-bodied Muslim with the financial means must make the hajj, commonly known as the fifth pillar of Islam, once in their lifetime. Pilgrims converge upon the Kabah from all over the world during the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar to ...
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Israel Celebrates Life – Militant Islam Celebrates Murder
Saturday's New York Times featured two articles side by side capturing the emotions of Israeli Jews & Palestinian Arabs surrounding the impending release of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit who was kidnapped 5 years ago at the tender age of 19 by ...
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Sold-Out CAIR Banquet Raises $400K, Exceeding Fundraising Goal
MarketWatch (press release)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16, 2011 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Some 800 people turned out Saturday evening in Arlington, Va., for the annual fundraising banquet of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The sold-out event, which featured a keynote ...
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Wall Street Uprisings Herald Victory of Islam and Iran! (Kayhan, Islamic ...
The Moderate Voice
So could it be that the protests which began in New York on September 17 and have now spread across the developed world reflect a yearning to reject capitalism and embrace Islam and the Iranian Revolution? It is worth repeating what the late Imam ...
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NIGERIA: Terror agenda sparks debate on campuses
University World News
"Islam does not encourage terrorism in any manner. Prophet Mohammed said we should seek knowledge. Allah is knowledge and knowledge is Allah. Holy Quoran enjoins adherents to seek knowledge." He further stressed that it was anti-Islamic for any group ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
Protesters in Egypt urge Muslim-Christian unity - Yahoo! News
Read 'Protesters in Egypt urge Muslim-Christian unity' on Yahoo! News. Hundreds of protesters marched Friday from Egypt's pre-eminent mosque to a central ...

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