Sunday, October 16, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
Virginia Republicans Hope Senate Wins Will Solidify McDonnell Agenda
Fox News
The Virginia Senate has been a cemetery for the General Assembly's most conservative legislation for more than a decade. But if Republicans gain three or more Senate seats in next month's decisive legislative elections, conservatives would consolidate ...
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Thatcherite Conservatives: we know they are wrong
The Guardian
In their very different contexts they therefore pose a direct but pressing challenge to the less confrontational Conservative values of David Cameron, and thus to the coalition government he leads, as well as to Britain's other main parties. ...
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Non-partisanship non-existent at Commons ethics committee 'witch hunt'
Vancouver Sun
By Glen McGregor, Postmedia News October 16, 2011 5:04 PM OTTAWA — To Conservatives, ethics committee hearings scheduled for this week will give an important look into alleged abuses of Canada's open-records laws at the Canadian Broadcasting ...
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Brian Monteith: Conservative sound and fury signifying nothing
The votes to decide the Scottish Conservative leader are piling in, and the candidates are making one last effort to convince those still to choose. As an interested observer, I wish all of the contestants well; it is important for the political health ...
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Tim Harper: Conservatives sailing into rough seas over shipbuilding contracts
Toronto Star
Today, the Conservative government in Ottawa is struggling mightily to keep politics out of the biggest defence procurement sweepstakes since World War II. Despite its efforts, it could be sitting on a political grenade. When Ottawa announces the ...
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Conservative comic looks for laughs at gathering Monday
Hilton Head Island Packet
Prominent comedians tend to lean Democratic, but conservative humorist Eric Golub says you don't have to be liberal to be funny. Take the "Occupy Wall Street" protesters camped out in lower Manhattan. If you can't find something funny about that ragtag ...
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Tunisian police and conservatives clash over 'blasphemous' film
The National
Such scenes have rattled the Tunisian capital twice in the past week as protests over a film that some conservative Muslims call blasphemous have degenerated into clashes with the police. As Tunisians count down to their country's first free elections ...
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The National
Gingrich: Romney is a little "Rockefeller" to capture conservatives
Hot Air
As I've watched Mitt Romney over the course of this campaign, I've wondered myself what it is about him that seems to prevent him from acquiring a broad coalition of conservative support. Folks repeatedly cite Romneycare and his mercurial policy ...
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Rick Santorum rakes Herman Cain over gay marriage issue
(Mary Chind/The Register) Rick Santorum, continuing to try to stake out territory as the most stalwart social conservative in the presidential race, tonight raked fellow GOP'er Herman Cain for his "refusal to defend traditional marriage. ...
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Blogs2 new results for Conservatives
Attention Conservatives Trying to Play Guilt-by-Association with ...
By Blue Texan
I see the wingnuts are running around trying to tie the Occupy Wall Street movement with Nazis and Communists. Oh, this is going to be fun.
Why Conservatives Like Cain | Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre
By Lew Rockwell
Because they're stupid? Well, according to the Daily Beast, it's because he's a businessman, a black, and a non-establishmentarian. He is also admired for not being a politician. But you cannot get more political than being a high official of the ...
Lew Rockwell's Political Theatre

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