Thursday, October 20, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News9 new results for Islam news
Islamist Imagines a Democratic Future for Tunisia
New York Times
By ANTHONY SHADID ISTANBUL — For more than three decades, Rachid al-Ghannouchi has preached that pluralism, democracy and Islam are harmonious. As his country, Tunisia, heads toward the first elections after the Arab revolts on Sunday, Mr. Ghannouchi, ...
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Conversions to Islam threaten Pakistan’s “Macedonian†tribe
By Reuters Staff Nestled among the valleys of Pakistan's mountainous northwest, a tiny religious community that claims descent from Alexander the Great's army is under increasing pressure from radicals bent on converting them to Islam. ...
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Egypt’s Islamists split before vote, some call for unity
The newly-formed Islamist parties, known as Salafists and who follow strict teachings of Islam, pulled out of the Democratic Alliance to protest their small showing on the alliance's electoral list, saying Brotherhood candidates monopolised it. ...
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Islamic Extremists in Somalia Behead 17-year-old Christian
Compass Direct News
NAIROBI, Kenya, October 19 (CDN) — Militants from the Islamic extremist al Shabaab beheaded a 17-year-old Somali Christian near Mogadishu last month, a journalist in the Somali capital told Compass. The militants, who have vowed to rid Somalia of ...
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Compass Direct News
Radical and mainstream Islam topic of conversation at campus lecture
Daily Sundial
By Irene Moore and Katherine ONeill A representative from an organization whose mission is stated as cultivating a better understanding of the difference between mainstream and radical Islam lectured on campus Wednesday to a couple dozen students and ...
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Tajikistan Imposes More Restrictions to Fight Radicalism
Voice of America
He leads the Islamic Revival Party of Tajikistan, the only Islamic party legally registered in the former Soviet Union. He says that government controls will push Islam underground, away from moderation and toward "Talibanism. ...
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Is O getting tough enough on Iran?
New York Post
The news is sharpening already-high tensions between the leader of Islam's Sunni world, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, the Shiite standard-bearer. In the past, the meek Obama administration would rather have kept such an affair under wraps than risk inflaming ...
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Iran Supreme Leader to Eliminate President Ahmadinejad's Post?
Christian Post
Iran's political system operates off of a cleric-ruled system in the framework of theocracy guided by Shi'a Islam. In the complex system, the supreme leader holds near-absolute power but that power has been increasingly challenged by the incumbent ...
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Christian Post
What Happens After the Arab Spring?
Although many Americans think that the Arab Spring has been driven by Islam, Nasr contends that it is not the most critical factor. He thinks Americans are also wondering whether the Arab Spring is a momentary flash or something real. ...
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Web1 new result for Islam news
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - Tunisia ...
TUNIS - As the clock ticks to Tunisia\'s first elections since the fall of president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, tension is rising between Islamists and secularists in the ...

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