Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News8 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives should not waver on rep-by-pop
Globe and Mail
The Conservatives must stay true to their previously enunciated principle when they introduce legislation to enlarge the membership of the House of Commons. We don't have true rep-by-pop in Canada today. Atlantic Canadians will continue to be ...
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Globe and Mail
Conservatives advised to adopt 'cloud' workers in public service sector
Vancouver Sun
By Kathryn May, Postmedia News October 19, 2011 6:09 PM OTTAWA — The global director of research for the consulting giant advising the Conservatives on how to save money is calling for a public service of 'cloud' workers, free agents who don't work ...
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Cameron will not back proposed referendum on Britain's future in EU
The Guardian
Photograph: Pa David Cameron has told Eurosceptics in the Conservative party that he will not back a proposal to hold a referendum on Britain's future in Europe. The prime minister made his comments in the Commons as MPs prepare to hold a debate next ...
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The Guardian
Black Conservatives Chime in on Jobs Bill
By Naeesa Aziz President Obama has been dubbed "compromiser in chief" and has faced criticism from both sides of the political spectrum for his inability to adopt a hardline persona, but now, a group of conservative African-Americans says that the ...
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Conservatives cut 100 jobs at Atlantic development agency
Globe and Mail (blog)
The scale of cuts to the agency is more dramatic when compared to the year the Conservatives first came to power in January 2006. The budget for ACOA that year was $456.4-million, meaning it has since been cut by 30.3 per cent and is on track for a 39 ...
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Globe and Mail (blog)
Conservative crime bill takes a 'flawed approach,' critics say
National Post (blog)
By Tobi Cohen OTTAWA — Critics and proponents of the controversial omnibus Conservative crime bill traded barbs in the House of Commons Tuesday as the Tories sought to again fast-track debate on the proposed legislation that seeks, among other things, ...
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Gay Rights Advocates Joining NY Conservative Party To Support Grisanti
Lez Get Real
Hundreds of advocates have registered with the Erie County Conservative party in order to undermine their attempts to punish same-sex marriage supporter Mark Grisanti. The Conservative Party hates Grisanti for 'defecting' and supporting that 'evil' ...
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After 8 debates, it's Romney vs. a divided field of conservatives
"And, if anything, the yearning among conservatives for an anti-Romney candidate keeps getting stronger." While Romney consistently wins the support of about a quarter of likely Republican primary voters, three out of four Republicans continue to watch ...
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Blogs2 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives rise from the dead in last night's debate. | RedState
By griffinelection (Diary)
Last night, CNN, once again, put on a great debate. Anderson Cooper wasn't quite as good as Wolf Blitzer last time, but overall we learned more about the.
griffinelection's Diary
More Examples Of Conservatives Pushing Big Government Plans To ...
By Ron Chusid
More Examples Of Conservatives Pushing Big Government Plans To Restrict Women's Rights. October 19, 2011 — Ron Chusid. The Republican claim of supporting limited government is often contradicted by the reality of their proposals ...
Liberal Values

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