Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Google Alert - Islam news

News10 new results for Islam news
Nation of Islam leader slams Gadhafi's 'assassination,' says rejoicing will ...
Washington Post
CHICAGO — Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Tuesday that those rejoicing in the death of ousted Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi will come to sorrow and predicted that the US was unprepared for the looming backlash from his overthrow. ...
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Insider describes Gaddafi son's escape from town
In this file picture, Saif Al-Islam, son of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, gestures as he talks to reporters in Tripoli August 23, 2011. By Maria Golovnina and Taha Zargoun BANI WALID, Libya (Reuters) - Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam called his ...
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Tunisia Islamic Party Calls for Coalition After Taking Lead in Elections
By Mariam Fam and Jihen Laghmari - Tue Oct 25 23:32:21 GMT 2011 Tunisia's Islamic Ennahdha party is calling for a coalition with secular groups after saying it took the lead in national balloting, a sign of the strength of long- repressed Islamist ...
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Tunisia's Islamist victors promise unity government
Los Angeles Times
The negotiations probably will prove delicate as Nahda leaders, including Rachid Ghannouchi, who spent years in exile, have the moment and possibly the mandate to establish their own style of political Islam. "We will not shut anyone out of our ...
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Los Angeles Times
Arab Spring boosts political Islam, but which kind?
By Tom Heneghan More democracy is bringing more political Islam in the countries of the Arab Spring, but Islamist statements about sharia or religion in politics are only rough indicators of what the real effect might be. ...
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Qaddafi son Saif al-Islam said fleeing Libya
CBS News
Saif al-Islam Qaddafi, son of ousted Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi, appears in front of journalists at his father's residential complex in the Libyan capital of Tripoli Aug. 23, 2011. (AFP/Getty Images) DAKAR, Senegal - Muammar Qaddafi's son and ...
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NTC: Kadhafi's son Seif 'poses no danger'
In the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi, interim oil and finance minister Ali Tarhuni -- a senior official of the National Transitional Council --told reporters Tuesday that Moamer Kadhafi's son Seif al-Islam posed no danger to the new regime. ...
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Islam's treasures back on display at New York's Met
Times of Oman
New York: Masterworks of Islamic art will once again be on view at New York's Metropolitan Museum, which next week reopens an exhaustive installation following an eight-year renovation. New York's biggest and most comprehensive art museum unveils on ...
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Nashville hotel blocks Zelenik's anit-Sharia conference
The Daily News Journal
"Islam is three things," Womick said. "It is a legal system enforced by jihad; it is a political system and ideology reinforced by a monetary system; and it is always a religion. And the three of those are intertwined just like a rope is. ...
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Analysis: Is Ahmadinejad Iran's last president?
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, a former president and one of the central figures in the creation of the Islamic Republic, was quoted widely as upholding Iran's republican values. "According to the constitution, republicanism and Islam are two unchangeable ...
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Web2 new results for Islam news
IslamOnline, Islamic News, Islamic Finance and Business - Interior ...
Monday, Oct 24, 2011 Gulf NewsDubai Interior and design companies are still owed millions of dirhams by developers on residential and commer (more)
Education News » Islam Armed and Rising
Islam Armed and Rising. Posted by on October 23, 2011 in News of the Day | 0 Comment. Tunisian voters poured into polling stations to ...

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