Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Canada's Conservative government to ease gun laws
By Rob Gillies AP / October 25, 2011 TORONTO—Canada's Conservative government introduced legislation Tuesday to scrap a controversial law that requires the registration of rifles and shotguns. Canada has long required registration of hand guns, ...
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EU referendum vote: Gove plays down Tory rebellion
The Guardian
As the prime minister sought to play down the divisions that saw 81 Conservatives – nearly half his backbenchers – defy the Tory whip to support a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU, strains in the coalition government came to the fore. ...
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The Guardian
Conservatives slam Mitt Romney for going weak-kneed in war on public employees
Washington Post (blog)
The fight is a hugely important one to conservatives, with right wing money flowing into the state, and conservative bloggers erupted in fury at Romney, asking how it is that he can be running for president when he isn't willing to take a firm stand ...
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Poll: Conservatives prefer flat tax over '9-9-9'
Washington Post (blog)
By Jon Cohen and Peyton M. Craighill As far as tax politics go, a new Washington Post -ABC News poll shows a straight ahead "flat tax" a clear winner over "9-9-9," particularly among the conservative Republicans Texas Gov. ...
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Some conservatives hesitant to publicly praise Alabama immigration law
The Washington Independent
By admin | 10.25.11 | 5:06 pm Many Republicans, including the governor of Alabama, are hesitating to publicly praise Alabama's controversial immigration law, most of which remains in effect even after a federal circuit court blocked one of its more ...
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Klees to run for speaker, throws Tories into disarray
Toronto Star
The prospect left Conservatives reeling and Liberals relishing fresh dissent across the aisle so soon after the Oct. 6 election. "There's no doubt it makes it more challenging for both opposition parties," a grim-faced Hudak acknowledged, ...
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Conservative Latino Leader Quits GOP In Texas
Huffington Post
DALLAS -- Lauro Garza, head of Somos Republicans, the largest organization of Latino conservatives in Texas, has quit the Republican Party because of what he described as the anti-Latino rhetoric of GOP leaders. "There is no place for Latinos in the ...
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Mulcair says he's no right-wing, Quebec nationalist
Some of the criticism of Mulcair's federalist credentials has come from Conservatives, although he has not departed from official NDP policy or said anything markedly different than his rival leadership contenders on issues involving Quebec. ...
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Tunisia’s Ghannouchi is too liberal for some conservative Islamists
By Andrew Hammond Tunisian Islamist leader Rachid Ghannouchi is seen by many secularists as a dangerous radical, but for some conservative clerics who see themselves as the benchmark of orthodox Islam — he is so liberal that they call him an ...
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Surging Herman Cain buoys Harlem's black conservatives
The Uptowner
(Photo by Gabriel Stargardter) Herman Cain's dramatic surge in popularity– a CBS/New York Times poll on Tuesday showed Cain leading the Republican field with 25 percent to Mitt Romney's 21 percent – has cheered Harlem's few black conservatives, ...
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The Uptowner

Blogs3 new results for Conservatives
Conservatives Rediscover The Horrifying Truth: Mitt Romney Is Not ...
By Michael Brendan Dougherty
Today, Mitt Romney walked into a room filled with conservative activists who are trying to save Ohio Governor Jon Kaisch's public-sector union reforms from repeal. Romney couldn't bring himself to endorse their work. And now conservative ...
Business Insider
Conservatives Turn On Romney Over Ohio Union-Busting Law ...
By Kyle Leighton
The conservative Club for Growth didn't mention any food products, but they didn't seem pleased by the turn of events in Ohio either. Greg Sargent at the Washington Post picked up the statement of Barney Keller, the CFG's spokesperson: ...
Cafe Talk Aggregator
Moonbat Actor Demands "Nuremberg-Scale Trial" For Conservatives
Moonbat Actor Demands "Nuremberg-Scale Trial" For Conservatives. Moonbat Actor Demands "Nuremberg-Scale Trial" For Conservatives. Posted by ZIP on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, at 2:45 pm | Like Tweet. « Previous Post ...
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