Thursday, October 6, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
McGuinty's Liberals held to minority in third straight Ontario win
Globe and Mail
Dalton McGuinty and his Liberals pulled through to win a third term in Ontario, prevailing on a message borrowed from the Harper Conservatives: elect a strong, stable government. "A few weeks ago, we were counted out, but we didn't listen to the ...
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Globe and Mail
Liberals protect 416 and 905 turf
Toronto Star
At one level of government, at least, Toronto remains a Liberal stronghold — and Liberals remain formidable in the surrounding suburbs. Progressive Conservative Leader Tim Hudak needed significant gains in either the 416 or 905 regions to become ...
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Liberals 'in play' in 25 districts, Aylward says
Liberal Leader Kevin Aylward brushed aside the results of another public opinion poll that shows his party trailing the PCs and NDP, and claimed Thursday he expects tight races in at least two dozen districts. A Corporate Research Associates poll ...
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Liberals suffer losses to Tories in Southwestern Ontario
Globe and Mail
The Liberals suffered losses in several tight ridings Thursday night, while prominent cabinet members from Mr. McGuinty's last government held onto their seats. Liberals Deb Matthews, Chris Bentley and Dwight Duncan all kept their seats. ...
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Liberals retain stronghold
Toronto Star
Liberal candidate Tracy McCharles waves to supporters after she was elected Thursday night as the MPP for Pickering-Scarborough East. By Jack Lakey The Fixer Liberal Tracy MacCharles knows how to win a fight — first with cancer and then against a ...
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Anil Naidoo can't break Yasir Naqvi's Liberal grip
Ottawa Citizen
By don butler, The Ottawa Citizen October 6, 2011 10:52 PM Incumbent Liberal Yasir Naqvi cruised to a surprisingly comfortable win in Ottawa Centre on Thursday, extending his party's 16-year hold on the provincial riding. Naqvi never trailed as the ...
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Liberal Dems urge supercommittee to preserve Medicare
The Hill (blog)
By Mike Lillis - 10/06/11 02:37 PM ET Liberal leaders in the House are urging the budget supercommittee's members to prioritize economic recovery and entitlement programs over spending cuts as they search for ways to slash deficits. Democratic Reps. ...
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Liberals lose seat
The Barrie Advance
Liberals lose seat. "I'd like to thank the NDP, because they're responsible for the mess we have in Barrie today," said Liberal Candidate Karl Walsh in his post election wrap-up. Stan Howe photo BARRIE - Barrie joins its Simcoe County neighbours on the ...
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Richmond Hill: Liberal Reza Moridi holds on to seat
Toronto Star
The former scientist, engineer, teacher and business executive won his second term as Liberal MPP for Richmond Hill on Thursday night in a tough battle with Progressive Conservative candidate Vic Gupta, who runs a public relations consulting firm. ...
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Blogs2 new results for Liberals
Occupy Wall Street & What Liberals Now Aim to Do with the ...
By Kevin Gosztola
Somewhere between 15000 and 25000 people were out in the streets of New York City on October 5 for a march on Wall Street.
Liberals take province, PCs take Nipissing | NorthBayNipissing
By jtynan
Former North Bay Mayor Vic Fedeli won his first provincial seat by a landslide over runner-up, Liberal Catherine Whiting. And while the province waited to find out whether the Liberals had a majority or not, ridings neighbouring North Bay were ...

Web1 new result for Liberals
Geller Says Liberals Love Nazism, Sharia | Right Wing Watch
Geller argued that the Nazi Party was actually a creation of the left, and that liberals now want to impose Sharia law in the same way they backed Nazism. Geller ...

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