Thursday, October 6, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
Progressives, Dem Lawmakers Restart Move Your Money Push
The Progressive Change Campaign Committee is pushing a bill just introduced that essentially serves as a reminder to Bank of America customers that they should move their money to a local community bank. The legislation, from Sen. ...
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Progressive Auto Insurance Review Of These Insurance Products
Eva-News (press release)
By Jeremy J. Ferrell on October 6, 2011 Customers have benefited from Progressive auto insurance products since 1937. Progressive Insurance began as a small insurance provider, but is now one of the largest auto insurance companies, with a variety of ...
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Will the Real Progressives Please Stand Up!
NBC Chicago (blog)
After finishing third in February's mayoral election, Miguel del Valle promised to use his following among neighborhood activists to build a progressive movement in Chicago. On Saturday, Oct. 15, from 2 pm to 4 pm, del Valle and political consultant ...
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In Letter, House Progressives Press Super Committee On Jobs, Protecting ...
House progressives will press the joint deficit Super Committee to ditch entitlement cuts and pass measures to bolster the economy. The co-chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus are rounding up Democratic signatures on a letter, obtained by TPM ...
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Unions, Progressives Rally for Spending
The Weekly Standard (blog)
Rebuild the Dream is more standard issue progressive grumbling for more spending. The goal isn't revolution against the capitalist system but refinancing the American welfare state. Barbara Jackson, a 42-year employee of the Social Security ...
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The Weekly Standard (blog)
What's Next for the American Dream Movement?
Jones addressed progressives' tendency to "speak collectively and act individually," compared to the tea party's tendency to "speak individually and act collectively" — until 2008, when Barack Obama's candidacy broke us out of our organizational and ...
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Mayor's race heats up in Burlington
The discussion highlighted the unique nature of Burlington's political landscape, three well-organized and determined political parties uneasily sharing legislative power, and an executive branch run by Progressives for all but two of the last 30 years ...
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Van Jones Media Mouthpiece Gets Russian Cash
Right Side News
Progressives demanded Beck's ouster after he began exposing billionaire hedge fund operator George Soros, a major funder of the liberal-left. Soros, who operates an off-shore hedge fund with mysterious sources of cash, has just failed in his effort to ...
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Should Obama Face a Challenge in the Democratic Primary?
The Nation.
Some prominent progressives have stepped up, endorsing a letter in mid-September arguing that without a primary challenge, "progressive principles past and present [will] be betrayed." The signers include Ralph Nader, Cornel West, Gore Vidal, ...
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Blogs3 new results for Progressives
Straw Poll: Progressives Want Stronger Washington Agenda | The ...
By Scott Nance
Although progressives overwhelmingly support President Obama's American Jobs Act, most think that effort is too small -- and they want a stronger ac...
The Democratic Daily
Have progressives missed the most important political news this ...
By Alan Maki
3 Responses to Have progressives missed the most important political news this week? geraldo October 6th, 2011 at 8:16 am «. Why would American Media care about what happens in Canada? I, frankly, would be taken ...
alanmaki's FDL blog
Shakman, Grid and Progressives the ... - Chicago Daily Observer
By pathickey
Progressives palmed that shiv and will twist it home with the Grid System that will effectively end any and all power within the City Council. This is a Triumvirate of Power - Shakman, Progressives and the Grid System. Chicago Aldermen, or City ...
Chicago Daily Observer

Web1 new result for Progressives
Why Elizabeth Warren and "Progressives" are Wrong on Property ...
Why Elizabeth Warren and "Progressives" are Wrong on Property Rights. If you only read one article on economics today, make it Robert Murphy's post ...

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