Thursday, October 13, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
Liberals defend 'vital' CBC funding
Globe and Mail
The federal Liberals are trying to tap a well of potential support by positioning themselves as defenders of the CBC. Interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae sent out a letter on Thursday announcing a campaign and online petition called "Hands Off our CBC. ...
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Globe and Mail
McGuinty says 'centrist' Liberals will manage Ontario fine with strong minority
Globe and Mail
For the first time in his eight years in office, Mr. McGuinty's Liberals will be in the minority, with 53 of the legislature's 107 seats. But the Liberal Leader said he is confident he can carry out an agenda that most Ontarians support because he ...
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Globe and Mail
Should Liberals Like Occupy Wall Street?
New York Magazine
Photo: Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty Images What should liberals and the Democratic Party do about the Occupy Wall Street movement? A quarrel has broken out among liberals as Democrats and liberal organizations have slowly moved to support the protests. ...
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New York Magazine
Belgium may end 500-day impasse
Boston Globe
Elio Di Rupo said he expects to form a government of Christian Democrats, Liberals, and Socialists, each split into Dutch and French-speaking parties. Bickering along language lines has prevented the formation of a government since elections on June 13 ...
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Liberal "Reporting" Smears Another Good Citizen
Power Line (blog)
Mayer is of the shamelessly hypocritical liberal money=good, conservative money=bad school. Who is Art Pope? He isn't well known outside North Carolina, but then, the Koch brothers weren't very well known either, until Mayer turned them into the Left's ...
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Stephen Maher: NDP growth likely to continue
Montreal Gazette
There have now been six elections in a row - beginning with the federal election in May - in which we see the same thing: incumbents hanging on, Liberals losing ground, the NDP gaining strength. Voters are favouring incumbents this year, which likely ...
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Trudeau won't seek Liberal leadership: report
Montreal Gazette
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau, seen here in this file photo, says he won't run for the Liberal leadership. Justin Trudeau has decided against running for leadership of the federal Liberal party — at least for now. The eldest son of former prime minister ...
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Tomassi has been useful to Charest
Montreal Gazette
He's played ball with the Liberals since his ejection from the caucus. Now, charges against him might vindicate the premier's tack on corruption By DON MACPHERSON, The Gazette October 13, 2011 Even in disgrace, sacked from the cabinet and expelled from ...
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Liberals await word
Western Star
By Paul Hutchings DEER LAKE — When the dust settled after Tuesday's provincial election the Liberals found themselves hanging onto their official Opposition party status, and with two more MHAs than before. That was the good news. ...
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Herman Cain: A Grave Dilemma for Democrats and White Liberals
International Business Times
By Palash R. Ghosh | October 13, 2011 8:13 AM EDT The ever-prominent presidential candidacy of Herman Cain raises a plethora of interesting questions, not least of which is how he will be treated by the Democratic Party, white liberals and the ...
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International Business Times

Blogs3 new results for Liberals
The American Spectator : The Spectacle Blog : Why Liberals ...
By Kevin Glass
Salon's Michael Lind would do well to reflect on the quote above from liberal journalist Thomas Friedman, from an article praising Chinese authoritarianism. Because he's written a rambling tract entitled "Why Libartarians Apologize for ...
The Spectacle Blog
Jay Hancock's blog: Do liberals ever think government is too big ...
By Jay Hancock
Think about it: while you often see conservatives crow about, say, reducing discretionary spending as a good thing just because the number is down, do you ever see liberals crowing about a rise in spending, never mind what on? Liberals ...
Jay Hancock's blog
Romney to Liberals and Evangelicals: Suck My Balls
By Tom Van Dyke
Don't ask me, ask Gallup: The May 25-30 [2011] survey from the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press asked people how they would vote for presidential candidates with different traits. Overall, 25 percent of voters would be.
Dutch Courage

Web5 new results for Liberals
Protests And Power: Should Liberals Support Occupy Wall Street ...
How should liberals feel about Occupy Wall Street? If you follow politics and you think of yourself as a liberal, then you have undoubtedly been grappling with ...
Occupy Wall Street Should Be Embraced By Liberals
The Occupy Wall Street movements may not survive the onset of cold weather and rain. But, along with Elizabeth Warren's fledgling Senate campaign in ...
Conservatives and Liberals Agree: End the Malignant, Symbiotic ...
While many pretend that liberals and conservatives are too far apart to work together, there are actually many issues on which everyone can agree. For example ...
Prison » Conservatives and Liberals Agree: End the ...
While many pretend that liberals and conservatives are too far apart to work ... For example, both liberals and conservatives hate the malignant, symbiotic ...
Liberals pin hopes on Elizabeth Warren -
The Harvard law professor has gone from folk hero to superhero in just a few weeks, grabbing the 'hope' mantle out from under President Obama and placing it ...,0,344247...

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