Thursday, October 13, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News8 new results for U.S. Politics
US politics live: Herman Cain surges in polls
The Guardian (blog)
We cannot allow the political process to squeeze us into a date that wedges us by just a few days between two major caucus states. Our primary will have little meaning if states crowd into holding their events just hours after our polls have closed. ...
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The Guardian (blog)
'Future of politics will be Asia; US betting on India's future'
Economic Times
WASHINGTON: Declaring that the "future of politics will be decided in Asia", the US has said that India will be the linchpin of it new vision of an economically integrated and politically stable South and Central Asia. "The future of politics will be ...
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Romney Hits China on Trade Practices With US
ABC News
China's monetary policy has come under fire in Congress, too. The Senate this week passed a bill to impose higher tariffs on China if they don't allow their currency to gain value more quickly. That bill is unlikely to pass the House, where Republican ...
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ABC News
No operation in NWA, US told
The Nation, Pakistan
This transpired from the meetings of US special Representative for Pakistan and Afghanistan Marc Grossman with Pakistani political and military leadership during his daylong visit to Pakistan. The visiting dignitary separately met President Asif Ali ...
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The Nation, Pakistan
Why do U.S. elections cost so much?
President Barack Obama's campaign has pledged to raise an eye-popping $1 billion for his re-election campaign -- an unheard of figure in American politics -- Obama's campaign raised nearly $750 million for the 2008 election. ...
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Bill Clinton talks health, politics and his love of golf
USA Today
His mood, on the other hand, belied the dark clouds Thursday afternoon, for the 42nd president of the United States was about to talk about subjects dear to his heart - health, a touch of politics — and golf. In a crisp 55 minutes, Clinton, ...
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USA Today
Ted Cruz raises $1 million for US Senate bid
Austin American-Statesman
He also has less on hand than former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert, who had $3.4 million in the bank, much of which came from Leppert himself, as of June 30, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, which tracks money in politics. ...
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Austin American-Statesman
Growing Income Gap May Leave US More Vulnerable to Crisis
Political systems in economically divided countries grow polarized and immobilized by the sort of zero-sum politics now gripping Washington, he said. "It makes the politics more difficult, and that makes it more difficult to grow," said Rajan, ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Politics Is Killing Us - On Hiring - The Chronicle of Higher Education
By Rob Jenkins
Politics Is Killing Us. October 13, 2011, 3:09 pm. By Rob Jenkins. Is there any greater oxymoron in the English language than "honorable politician"? Because I'm finding it hard to think of two words that are more opposite in meaning. Politics ...
On Hiring

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
U.S. Politics Took the World to Edge of Armageddon: Martin Wolf ...
Read 'U.S. Politics Took the World to Edge of Armageddon: Martin Wolf' from our blog Daily Ticker on Yahoo! Finance. Follow The Daily Ticker on Facebook ...
Facts about US Economic Inequality : politics
Some of you or people you know may be scratching their heads wondering what the Occupy Wall Street movement is about, or you not be taking the issue s...

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