Saturday, October 15, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News9 new results for Liberals
He knew when to threaten and charm
Winnipeg Free Press
Liberals will tell you he accomplished as much or more in his two-year stint as regional minister as most of those who came before him. And yet it would be wrong to say Alcock's political career was about seizing and maintaining power. ...
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Cohn: The election is over but the campaign continues
Toronto Star
The Liberals replied tersely that it was too early to talk. The Tories didn't even bother to respond (despite a carefully cultivated back-channel set up between the NDP and PC offices in previous months). Even if it fell flat, the letter portrayed the ...
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the tasmanian liberals: working hard to ignore the issues
Tasmanian Government Media Releases (press release)
The Minister for Health, Michelle O'Byrne, today called on the Liberal Party to at least make an attempt to understand the complexities of modern health care. Ms O'Byrne said the opposition appeared determined to remain ignorant about the challenges in ...
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Liberal Black Journalist Demands NPR Get Beyond Its White 'Liberal Myopia'
NewsBusters (blog)
His departure was a sad commentary on the monochromatic vision of many liberal institutions -- a disease that NPR has not escaped. Sometimes a conservative gets attention for saying or doing something that is obvious. Richard Nixon decided it was silly ...
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Ontario Liberals lick their wounds
Hamilton Spectator
What did Ontario Liberal Leader Dalton McGuinty call the result of the Oct. 6 election, in which his party won 53 of 107 ridings? 2. The US Preventive Services Task Force says healthy people should not have this cancer screening done as a matter of ...
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B.C. Liberals continue to wreak havoc in province
By John A. Martin Nanaimo, The Daily News October 15, 2011 As more and more BC Liberal Party corruption rears its ugly head, it becomes harder and harder for liberal sympathizers to justify the reason for their gullibility and undying support for the ...
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Windsor politico shed 32 lbs in campaign
Windsor Star
And given the fact the Liberals will be trying to govern with a minority, the next provincial election could come much sooner than the standard four years. McAvoy said the vote result in Windsor-Tecumseh shows people are getting ready for a change. ...
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Where have all the liberals gone?
Lewiston Sun Journal
By Hubert Kauffman I hear so many people say, "I'm not a liberal," as if being a liberal is to be the Devil's consort. The other thing that I hear often is, "I'm against big government." I would understand if those statements were uttered by some ...
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" Top level advisers
Vancouver Sun
McDonald is no stranger to BC politics, having been president of the Young Liberals in his teens, and having worked alongside Clark in the 1991 election. When the Liberals formed government in 2001, thenpremier Gordon Campbell appointed McDonald his ...
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Blogs2 new results for Liberals
Daily Kos: Herman Cain Says Liberals Killed Jesus
By (bernardpliers)
Anyway, here's one of Herman's columns where he calls Jesus the "perfect conservative" who was killed by "liberals," and apparently the modern liberal anti-Christian bias that Cain perceives is just part of a two thousand year program of ...
Why Do Liberals Demonize Candidate Cain? | Red County
By Christian Milord
However, that's not enough for many liberal academics, media pundits, and politicians who continue to assail Cain because he happens to be a conservative. Perhaps these folks envy him because he's largely self-made, has a sense of humor ...
Red County

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