Saturday, October 15, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Questions About Ad Dogged Perry in 1990 Race
New York Times
Rick Perry's political career and policy positions: The latest on the 2012 election, President Obama, Congress and other news from Washington and around the nation. Join the discussion. But a television advertisement that ...
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Saudis are wise enough to avoid entering US political game: Iran
Tehran Times
Elsewhere in his remarks, Salehi said the US policy is not based on the realities on the ground but Iran's policy is based on dignity and wisdom which, God willing, will prove superior. "We have dealt with such problems during the past 32 years after ...
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Liam Fox resignation exposes Tory links to US radical right
We need to know just how far and how deep the links into US politics go. This crisis has discovered traces of a stealth neocon agenda. For many on the right, Atlanticism has become synonymous with a self-defeating, virulent Euroscepticism that is bad ...
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U.S. House of Representatives Group Files Motion in Defense of Marriage Act Suit
Fox News
It cites a poll of Americans showing support for gay candidates, New York's decision to legalize gay marriage and the lifting of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that prohibited gay and lesbian troops from serving openly in the armed forces. ...
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From the fringe to centre stage, the Occupiers may yet change US politics
The Guardian
Such anti-government sentiment – and the inclination to view government as the root of America's problems – is at pace with the conservative populist sentiments that have defined US politics since the late 1960s. It's been a long time since economic, ...
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LRA: Rebels worth sending US troops to Africa?
CBS News
(AP) NAIROBI, Kenya - Why is the US sending its troops to finish off a fractured band of bush fighters in the middle of Africa? Political payback for the quiet sacrifices of Uganda's troops in Somalia could be one reason. ...
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US accused of playing politics over N.Korea food aid
Radio Australia News
US humanitarian groups have accused the Obama administration of playing politics with North Korean food aid, and of jeopardising millions of hungry and vulnerable people living there. A group of non-governmental organisations say they want the US ...
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GOP Presidential Hopeful Michele Bachmann Promises Fence Along Entire US ...
Fox News
Perry has taken a lot of heat for Texas' policy of allowing the children of undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition to attend public colleges. Bachmann raised the issue again Saturday. "In 2009 in Texas there were 12138 students that benefited ...
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Fox News
Inside the Political Battle Over GMOs
Daily Beast
"And to assure them it's not an 'us vs. them' thing." As the fight for mind share continues, Eidinger and his fellow marchers head for the capital, hoping to get consumers on their side. But the biggest question of the moment is politics. ...
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Daily Beast
Huntsman on Afghanistan
The Atlantic
The editors applaud Romney's call for American leadership but call his approach to US foreign policy challenges unimaginative and devoid of key details -- particularly how he would wrangle the hundreds of billion dollars of new military spending he ...
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