Sunday, October 16, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
How Occupy Wall Street Will Hurt Liberals
New Republic
For liberals, who have watched the Tea Party's rise with a mixture of dread, incomprehension and envy, the Occupy Wall Street protests seem Heaven-sent. Here at last are our ideological shock troops, come to put the undeserving rich in the dock and ...
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New Republic
Point/counterpoint: Liberal coalition
Since our recent election resulted in a minority government, I propose that the Liberals, in an effort to get legislation passed smoothly and efficiently, form a coalition with the Progressive Conservatives. Hold on! Before you tear up the paper, ...
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Topp, Mulcair say no to NDP merger with Liberals for now
Montreal Gazette
OTTAWA — The two front-runners for the leadership of the federal New Democrats aren't interested in the idea of merging the NDP with the Liberals — right now. "I'm firmly opposed to any talk of merger with the Liberals," leadership hopeful Thomas ...
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Road safety to feature on state plates
The Age
Announcing the initiative at the Liberals' state council meeting in Bendigo yesterday, Premier Ted Baillieu said that with 218 lives already lost on the state's roads this year, the safety message would be front and centre in the public mind. ...
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The Age
Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The United States
Fox News (blog)
By Josh Feldman, Mediaite On Meet the Press today, Herman Cain explained to David Gregory why he believes that liberals in the United States are invested in seeing the country fail and would do anything to see its destruction. ...
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Yukon Liberals mull post-election future
Beginning of Story Content The Yukon Liberal Party is contemplating its future after being walloped at the polls in last week's election. The party dropped from five to two seats, ceding its status as official opposition to the New Democratic Party. ...
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Liberals flag indigenous intervention for SA
The Age
TONY Abbott has flagged an intervention in South Australia's troubled Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands, beginning with income management but possibly extending to alcohol controls and more policing. The Opposition Leader told reporters in ...
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The Age
Premier tells Federal Health Minister 'lay off'
ABC Online
"He can continue to support a flailing, hysterical, out-of-her-depth premier or he can come and talk to the state Liberals," he said. Mr McKim says the Greens have twice offered to meet the Liberals. "The Liberal Party certainly has no credible ...
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Stephen Harper's greatest threat could be Tory majority itself
Vancouver Sun
Given Stephen Harper's oft-noted strategic and tactical savvy, he has to understand that the greatest threat to his legacy now — indeed the only significant obstacle to his dream of permanently replacing the Liberals as Canada's natural governing ...
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Herman Cain On "Meet The Press": Liberals Are "Destroying" Economy
GREGORY: You've talked as well about liberals in the country. You gave a speech in February where you didn't mince words. This is what you said. MR. CAIN: The objective of the liberals is to destroy this country. MR. GREGORY: To destroy this country. ...
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Blogs4 new results for Liberals
Herman Cain: The Goal Of Liberals Is To Economically Destroy The ...
By Josh Feldman
On Meet the Press today, Herman Cain explained to David Gregory why he believes that liberals in the United States are invested in seeing the country fail and would do anything to see its destruction. Cain argued that if the economic situation ...
Cain still believes 'liberals want to destroy this country' | The Raw Story
By Andrew Jones
When Gregory asked Cain about his previous comments on liberals wanting to destroy America, Cain did not back down from those statements, highlighting likely cuts to defense spending as his reasoning. "Look at this economy David, the ...
The Raw Story
Herman Cain: Liberals Deliberately Trying To Destroy America
Herman Cain: Liberals Deliberately Trying To Destroy America: Of all the crazy things Herman Cain said on Meet the Press this m...
BuzzFeed - Latest
What liberals need now: ballots « The In Box
By Brian Mann
So let me say first that I think initial coverage of the Occupy Wall Street movement — and similar protests and rallies staged by groups like — was terrible. The mainstream media downplayed, trivialized or simply ignored an important ...
The In Box

Web1 new result for Liberals
The Issue that Unites Conservatives and Liberals
Passion to End the Malignant, Symbiotic Relationship Between Big Government and Big Corporations.

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