Sunday, October 16, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
U.S. politics and those bugnutty Christians
The Province
Since then, religion and politics have got ever more entwined. Jimmy Carter happily identified as born again, and that phrase and the magic word Christian started to be used more and more. One American president who mentioned religion constantly and ...
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U.S. Lawmakers Warn of New Violence in Iraq if White House Abandons Deal
Fox News
31 withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, both sides say they want US forces to stay in Iraq in training and peacekeeping capacities. But a senior government official in Iraq told Fox News on Sunday that all Iraqi political blocks agree US troops should ...
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Fox News
After Foiled Terror Plot, US Looks For Stronger Means to Penalize Iranian Regime
Fox News
"If US officials have some delusions, (they must) know that any unsuitable act, whether political or security, will meet a resolute response from the Iranian nation," state TV quoted Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei saying. ...
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Fox News
Obama likens civil rights to economy fight at memorial
Chicago Tribune
Obama did not reference the Occupy Wall Street movement by name but gave a nod in his remarks to growing unrest about the economic inequalities in the United States. "At this moment when our politics appear so sharply polarized and faith in our ...
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One Loser in US Presidential Polling: China
Wall Street Journal
"You're hurting economic policy makers that have strong ties to the US," Mr. Li said. "It puts them in an awkward position." Mr. Romney, who has taken the hardest line on China among presidential candidates, says US pressure is crucial to get China to ...
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Wall Street Journal
Stephen Henderson: U.S. can't keep ignoring energy policy debate
Detroit Free Press
But how do we break through the politics of Washington to get some action? For Democrats, talk of a comprehensive energy policy inevitably turns to the question of domestic drilling, for both oil and natural gas. Environmental concerns by some of the ...
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Church is Better than Politics
I don't mean that the church is more liked or that it's more popular than politics. Church is just better. It's more effective. Notice that I didn't say religion is better than politics. Jesus did not establish a religion. He left us with His Church! ...
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Inside Politics: Miller list of supporters irks some local Democrats
Fayetteville Observer
US Rep. Brad Miller of the 13th Congressional District issued a list last month of 53 Fayetteville-area Democrats who he says support his run for the 4th Congressional District seat. There's only one problem. At least one person on the list says she ...
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President Obama's List of 45 Czars 2011
Right Side News
Czars appointees have seized unprecedented control over major aspects of government policy and programs. In some instances, unconfirmed czars have authority, in seeming violation of the US Constitution, over certain Senate-confirmed officers. ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Chanos on China Banks, Real Estate; U.S. Politics, | The Big Picture
By Barry Ritholtz
Jim Chanos, founder of Kynikos Associates Ltd., discusses China's economy, banking and real estate industries. Chanos, speaking with Michael McKee from the.
The Big Picture

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