Monday, October 17, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News8 new results for Liberals
Liberal MLAs join call to end group-home closures
Globe and Mail
The growing clamour over provincial policies to care for the developmentally disabled has spread to the backbench of the governing Liberals. In an emotional presentation to the legislature on Monday, veteran Liberal MLA Randy Hawes expressed deep ...
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Globe and Mail
Charest expected to announce public inquiry into construction corruption
Globe and Mail
There may be some relief for Quebec Liberals waiting in anticipation for an expected announcement on Tuesday by their leader Premier Jean Charest that he has finally bowed to public pressure and will hold an inquiry into corruption in the construction ...
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Globe and Mail
Cain Plan Helps Wealthy, Liberal Group Says
Wall Street Journal (blog)
The plan has been widely criticized by liberals who say it would shove more of the tax burden onto lower- and middle-income earners. Some conservative anti-tax groups and retailers also have raised concerns about the impact of the retail sales tax on ...
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'Occupy' protesters embraced by federal opposition parties
Toronto Sun
By Daniel Proussalidis ,Parliamentary Bureau The federal NDP and Liberals are fighting over which party is closest to the "Occupy" protesters who've started to camp out in city parks across Canada. "I think what the Occupation movement is expressing is ...
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Op-Ed: Liberal Minority Offers Insecure Political Landscape in Ontario
The post-election party celebrating the re-election of Liberal leader Dalton McGuinty as Premier had all of the standard bells and whistles befitting a political triumph – cheering, a smiling leader surrounded by his family and even powerful rhetoric. ...
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Martin Sheen Takes On Liberal Hollywood's Obama Bashing (Video)
Hollywood Reporter
When it comes to celebrity activism, few if any Hollywood liberals wield more gravitas than Martin Sheen. So listen up, Matt Damon and Michael Moore: Knock off the criticism of President Obama. In a segment of The Joy Behar Show set to air Tuesday ...
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Hollywood Reporter
Herman Cain Blamed 'Liberal Court' For Jesus' Execution
NPR (blog)
Now the Internet is abuzz with a Christmas column Cain wrote for a year ago in which he described Jesus as the "perfect conservative" and blamed a "liberal court" for Jesus' condemnation and death. He didn't have a lawyer, nor did He care ...
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America's Orwellian Liberalism
The Lincoln Tribune
That is, somehow certain voices of liberalism today sound less like traditional partisan pep-talks and resemble more Oceania's "Two-Minute Hate" sessions, where party members screamed at a giant tele-screen filled with the face of Emmanuel Goldstein, ...
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The Lincoln Tribune

Blogs5 new results for Liberals
Herman Cain: Liberals Want To Economically Destroy The U.S. ...
By NewsOne Staff
GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain said on Meet the Press Sunday that he believes that liberals in the United States are invested in seeing the country fail and would do anything to see its destruction.
News One
Truth Wins Out - Herman Cain Says the Liberals Killed Jesus
By Evan Hurst
This is pretty funny, even by the standards of whiny conservative rants against liberals. Herman Cain argued in a column a while back that it was the liberals who killed Jesus. Also, Jesus, who fed the poor and whatnot, was the world's greatest ...
Truth Wins Out » Blog
Can Liberals Devise A New 'Grassroots' Phenomenon? | Hawaii ...
By Christopher Adamo
BY CHRISTOPHER ADAMO - On August 1, 1988, several dozen radio stations across America began broadcasting a revolutionary radio program in which a single.
Hawaii Reporter
Finally, At Least One Conservative Will Admit It… Herman Cain Says ...
By Jim Hoft
At least one conservative candidate has the balls to admit that the goal of liberals is to economically destroy the United States. (Just look at Obama and the #OWS movement!) When asked to clarify his statement Cain said he stood by the ...
The Gateway Pundit
Herman Cain: Liberals Killed Conservative Jesus « Alan Colmes ...
By Alan
The liberal court found Him guilty of false offences and sentenced Him to death, all because He changed the hearts and minds of men with an army of 12. His death reset the clock of time. Never before and not since has there ever been such a ...
Alan Colmes' Liberaland

Web1 new result for Liberals
Cain Doubles Down on His Claim That Liberals Want to Destroy ...
Earlier this year at the Conservative Political Action Conference, otherwise known as CPAC, Herman Cain made the statement that 'The objective of the liberals ...

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