Monday, October 17, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
US politics live blog: fundraising totals, Herman Cain's gaffes
The Guardian (blog)
What the figures don't tell us is the huge sums being raised by the "super political action committees" – which may make campaign financing regulations impotent. Oh, and the battle between New Hampshire and Nevada over the timing of their election ...
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The Guardian (blog)
Will Occupy Wall Street Movement Stand Apart From US Party Politics?
PBS NewsHour
So that could be a really interesting political shift in the US political landscape. Internationally, I think there is a lot that this has in common with what's going on internationally, because many of the problems are still the -- are the same. ...
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US envoy sees greater openness in Myanmar but wants end to abuses of ethnic ...
Washington Post
By AP, WASHINGTON — Myanmar must release more political prisoners and end abuses against ethnic minorities if it wants to transform its relations with Washington, a US official said Monday. Special envoy to Myanmar Derek Mitchell noted a trend toward ...
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Is the US Primary System Flawed? Political Jostling Exposes Weakness
ABC News (blog)
... years ago than they are today?, I guess I would have to conclude that I simply don't know if the system is flawed or not. maybe its the people who are flawed? gty mitt romney new hampshire thg 111014 wblog Is the US Primary System Flawed ? Political.
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ABC News (blog)
Faith and Politics Have Always Gone Together In America and They Always Will
Fox News
By Timothy Goeglein The cliché is tired but it evokes the truth: When in polite company, most of us have been told to mind our manners regarding the discussion of two subjects thought to be toxic in their combination: Religion and politics. ...
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America’s biggest growth industry: declinism
Clinton, no declinist, invariably does her best to convince us that America is not retreating from the world at a time of national angst. Or at least that it should not. "Beyond our borders," she wrote in a recent piece for Foreign Policy that argued ...
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Sanchez Says Yuan Bill Underscores US `Frustration'
Washington Post
Oct. 18 (Bloomberg) -- Francisco Sanchez, undersecretary for international trade at the Commerce Department, talks about US-China trade relations, and China's currency policy and economy. Sanchez also discusses US trade policy. ...
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It's hostile business as usual between Iran and the US
Sydney Morning Herald
In addition, the Iranians point to the Saudi role in buttressing the minority Sunni Bahraini government in their ongoing struggle with the majority Shiite claims for greater political representation as well as accusing the House of Saud and the US ...
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Sydney Morning Herald
Special Report: Anita Perry - small-town nurse to power player
She and her late husband, Robert Mosbacher, a former US Secretary of Commerce, also became major contributors to Rick Perry's political campaigns after she met Anita Perry. She was appointed by the governor to the University of Houston System board of ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
ISRAELIS concerned with state of US politics. - Pajamas Media
By Glenn Reynolds
ISRAELIS concerned with state of U.S. politics. "We're not the only ones who've noticed the ugly anti-Semitism coming from the Occupy Wall Street creeps. The folks in Israel see what's happening." Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 7:47 am. Tweet ...

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
U.S. plays politics with N.Korean food aid, NGOs say ...
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. aid groups have accused the Obama administration of playing politics with North Korean food aid, imperiling millions of hungry ...
U.S. Economic Woes Put China in the Political Crosshairs - US ...
China's notorious economic practices are coming to the forefront in Washington.

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