Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google Alert - Liberals

News10 new results for Liberals
McGuinty to unveil slimmed cabinet
Toronto Star
Ontario voters put Dalton McGuinty's Liberals on a crash diet and the premier has responded with a slimmed-down cabinet for his minority government. McGuinty will appoint a smaller executive council on Thursday at Queen's Park, handing the expanded ...
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Black Liberals Slam Cain
Daily Beast
He is not one of them, and his unexpected surge as a Republican presidential candidate has sparked a vituperative battle between conservative and liberal blacks over his commitment to their community. Veteran civil-rights activists are questioning ...
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Daily Beast
Construction probe has shaky foundation
National Post
Did his Liberals have something to hide? On Wednesday, Mr. Charest finally announced his government will hold an inquiry. But the custom-made format he has devised contains so many escape hatches his sincerity remains in doubt. Contrary to the standard ...
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Sources say Manitoba Liberal Leader faces ultimatum to step down
Globe and Mail
Manitoba Liberal Leader Jon Gerrard is facing demands from senior party members to commit publicly to resigning, but he is thinking about staying on, The Canadian Press has learned. Fresh off the party's worst election result in decades, Mr. Gerrard is ...
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Globe and Mail
Walkom: A plan to unite the 'left' that just might work
Toronto Star
NDP MP Nathan Cullen wants the party to join forces with Liberals and Greens in some ridings. By Thomas Walkom National Affairs Columnist From inside the New Democratic Party caucus comes a newish idea to unite the anti-Stephen Harper vote. ...
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Liberal veterans ousted from cabinet
The Guardian Charlottetown
Premier Robert Ghiz made major changes to the provincial cabinet Tuesday, including one that saw two of Ghiz's longest-serving Liberal MLAs ousted from the cabinet table. Former Health Minister Carolyn Bertram and former Environment Minister Richard ...
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The Guardian Charlottetown
Liberals Try to Shift Focus From Solyndra to Keystone Pipeline
By Newsmax Wires Liberals, particularly environmental activists, worry that focus on the Solyndra scandal will make it more difficult for clean energy projects to gain political support. They think attention should center instead on the Keystone XL ...
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Liberals criticize Mica for taking credit for FAA grant
The Hill (blog)
By Keith Laing - 10/19/11 12:15 PM ET A liberal advocacy group is criticizing House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) for touting grants from the Federal Aviation Administration to an airport in his district after ...
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Islamists Surpass Liberals for Egypt Votes
CAIRO – Bolstering their charity network a month before Egypt 's first elections since a popular revolution ousted president Hosni Mubarak, Islamists are expanding their influence to a landscape where liberal and secular forces have made almost no ...
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How Liberals Buy Into Stupid Wars
The National Interest Online
... be considered a liberal—illustrates how the arguments and attitudes that have greased the skids on which the United States can slide into such a war are not the exclusive province of neocons or others who are the prime movers of such misadventures ...
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Web1 new result for Liberals
Over 70000 Protesters, Mostly Nonvoting Liberals | Slog
Posted by news intern Paul Holmes Nate Silver, as always, has something useful and informative to say about the Occupy movement. After looking through ...

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