Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Romney Faces Political Challenge Over Religion
Voice of America
October 19, 2011 Romney Faces Political Challenge Over Religion Jim Malone | Washington In US presidential politics, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney has a narrow lead over Georgia businessman Herman Cain in the latest CNN-ORC poll. ...
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Michele Bachmann questions US role in Uganda
Los Angeles Times
Lamenting the fact that Republican candidates have spent very little time debating foreign policy, Bachmann told a group of "tea party" activists in Pasadena on Wednesday that the president was wrong to send armed advisors to Uganda and several ...
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Los Angeles Times
US complains to China about Tibetan suicides, urges changes in policy toward ...
Washington Post
WASHINGTON — The United States is complaining to China about conditions that are reported to have led eight Tibetan Buddhist monks and one nun to burn themselves to death in China's Sichuan province. In response to a question, the State Department ...
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China's political system is more flexible than US democracy
In foreign policy, China moved from a close alliance with the Soviet Union in the 1950s to a virtual alliance with the United States in the 1970s and '80s to contain the former. Today, its pursuit of an independent course in an increasingly multi-polar ...
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US Envoy for North Korea to Leave Post
ABC News (blog)
US Special Representative for North Korea Policy Stephen Bosworth is leaving the administration, a senior State Department official said today. Glyn Davies, US envoy to the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, will take his place, according to ...
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U.S. security interests not clear in Uganda
Washington Examiner
"I believe that deploying these US armed forces furthers US national security interests and foreign policy and will be a significant contribution toward counter-LRA efforts in central Africa," Obama wrote. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta later shed more ...
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Washington Examiner
Religion: The elixir of Republican politics
San Marcos Mercury
Most reporters and commentators on the political scene seem to have missed that religion has no constitutional role in US politics, but that hasn't kept it from being an unnecessary diversion at times, and from being ignored when it should be examined. ...
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Bay Area counties cooperate with federal policy, but not Santa Clara
San Jose Mercury News
As the US announced Tuesday that it had deported a record 396906 people in the last year, Santa Clara County supervisors enacted a sweeping new policy aimed at reducing the county's role in the federal deportation effort. ...
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GoAnimate Puts Politics in Flash Videos -- Let the Fun Begin!
The company recently released new features that include a collection of political characters and backgrounds focused around the US Presidential election. The characters specifically include all the current Republican candidates, President Barack Obama, ...
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Cannon Says U.S. Indirect Exposure to Europe Is `Scary'
Washington Post
Oct. 19 (Bloomberg) -- Frederick Cannon, director of research at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Inc., talks about the profitability of US banks, the impact of Federal Reserve policy and the Dodd-Frank Act on the financial industry, and exposure of US banks to ...
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Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
US politics live blog: Rick Perry's jobs policy, New Hampshire v ...
Republican contender Rick Perry unveils his jobs plan, primary calendar wars and Herman Cain's 9-9-9 plan.

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