Sunday, October 9, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News5 new results for Progressives
Peretz: Syria and Its Progressive Friends
New Republic
I suppose very few people any longer think of Russia and China as progressive countries. And they are correct not to. Still, in the Security Council at least, they function as the vanguard of what is left of the left. In number of governments certainly ...
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New Republic
Political Pulse: Progressives question motives of Americans Elect
Lewiston Sun Journal
By Steve Mistler, Staff Writer Nuggets from the notebook while wondering why Americans Elect's effort to get a third-party presidential candidate on the 2012 ballot seems so appealing to progressive voters . . . Americans Elect is a nonprofit ...
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Progressives' Prohibition
Human Events
"It was a movement that was embraced by progressives." The documentary emphasizes the interchangeability between the suffragists and prohibitionists. It doesn't quite capture how the dry cause ran with the current of the progressive era rather than ...
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Selfish Disobedience
Town Hall
These protestors are brazen manipulators but the press hails them as progressives "seeking a voice" and President Obama says they represent the concerns of the American public. Meanwhile, the "selfish" one percent comprehensively helps society: Selfish ...
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Inside the Beltway
Washington Times
Meanwhile, "American Dream" progressives calling for a "middle class uprising" have been criticized for co-opting tea party-style mottoes. The press might implode if tea partyers suddenly forged a strategic alliance with liberal foes, based on mutual ...
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Washington Times

Blogs1 new result for Progressives
By sfwillie
Last century my mom taught me that sales tax is regressive. "That means it's good for rich people and bad for poor people," she explained. "Since poor people spend everything they earn every month, sales tax applies to their entire incomes." ...
sfwillie's blog

Web1 new result for Progressives
Progressives: there are two profoundly condescending assumptions ...
Many progressives will be deeply attracted to this point of view on an emotional level. But when one steps back to view it more dispassionately it becomes clear ...

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