Sunday, October 9, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News9 new results for Conservatives
With Tories cruising to victory, Nfld. NDP charts course for opposition
Globe and Mail
On Tuesday, Newfoundland and Labrador voters are expected to give the Progressive Conservatives their third consecutive mandate since 2003 – and a first under the leadership of Premier Kathy Dunderdale. While there is little doubt about the make-up of ...
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Globe and Mail
How did a libertarian attract social conservatives at the Values Voter Summit?
Alaska Dispatch
At this weekend's Values Voter Summit, sponsored by the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, Jerry Falwell's Liberty University, and other like-minded organizations, you'd expect a strong social conservative – say, Michele Bachmann ...
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Cain embraces "American black conservative" label
CBS News
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain proudly touted himself as a black conservative Saturday evening, and refused to back down from comments he has repeatedly made about African Americans who vote for Democrats being "brainwashed. ...
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What happened to the Conservatives' green agenda?
The Guardian
Since David Cameron was pulled across the Arctic ice in 2006, the promise of environmental action had been at the heart of rebranding the Conservative party as modern and compassionate. "Vote blue, go green" was the slogan. But at the Tory conference ...
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The Guardian
Perry, Romney court conservatives
Washington Post
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Saturday denounced "poisonous language" against faiths. His rival, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, steered well clear of that simmering issue and discussed "big government." (Oct. 8) (/The Associated Press) ...
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Ontario election aftermath
Toronto Star
Jason Lietaer, director of communications for the Tory campaign, may think a seasoned opponent, union advertising and a new leader robbed the Conservatives of government, but some might just say Tim Hudak's messages simply did not resonate with enough ...
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MacLeod looking forward to stronger representation
Ottawa Citizen
By Chris Cobb, Ottawa Citizen October 9, 2011 Lisa MacLeod, shown getting some help cleaning out her campaign office on Friday, is disappointed that the Conservatives didn't win the votes to form the government, but is determined to 'play to win next ...
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Davidson is best chance for Tories
Herald Scotland
She is a fresh face, and really seems to understand how the Scottish Conservatives can win again. She is up for the fight and I think will prove to be a very effective leader. I didn't know much about her at the start of this election but having had ...
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Think Different: Rightbloggers Mourn the Death of Noted Conservative Hippie ...
Village Voice (blog)
At RedState, Ridiculous Pseudonym noted that "while most Apple people are profound liberals - smarmy, off-putting and creepy, Jobs managed to snare some prominent conservatives," eg Rush Limbaugh. But Ridic Pseud wasn't fooled -- he considered Jobs ...
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Village Voice (blog)

Blogs2 new results for Conservatives
Herman Cain: Social Conservatives' New Darling at Values Voter ...
By Michelle Goldberg
Cain coming in second in the Values Voters straw poll reveals voters aren't happy with the "frontrunners."
A plain blog about politics: Sunday Question for Conservatives
By Jonathan Bernstein
Sunday Question for Conservatives. Which conservative pundits/bloggers/commentators deserve more attention than they are getting? Bookmark and Share. Posted by Jonathan Bernstein at 1:20 PM. Labels: conservatives ...
A plain blog about politics

Web2 new results for Conservatives
Perry, Romney court religious conservatives - Yahoo! News
Read 'Perry, Romney court religious conservatives' on Yahoo! News. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney on Saturday denounced "poisonous ...
Conservatives Want America to be a "Christian Nation" -- Here's ...
"America is going to be guided by some set of values," Perry told a crowd of 13000 students and faculty members yesterday at a sports arena on the school's ...

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