Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News9 new results for Progressives
New Devil's Dictionary: 'Progressive'
Washington Times
Appropriately, our first attempt to drill in on a word, as it's currently deployed involves that good old English adjective, "progressive." Except that it's now mostly morphed into a noun. Let's discuss. 1a: of, relating to, or characterized by ...
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Rich Tribute paid to Great Progressive Writer Hameed Akhtar in Bradford UK
The Marxist views and rational voice of Hameed Akhtar was a source of encouragement to all those who dreamt of a progressive, modern and egalitarian society in all parts of the world. They said that Hameed Akhtar was suffering from cancer, and breathed ...
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Are Democrats And Progressives Co-Opting The OWS Movement?
Blog for Iowa (blog)
There is a conversation going on now about whether or not certain progressive activist groups and others, Democrats, unions, are attempting to co-opt the OWS movement. Some fear this in the sense of "co-opt" meaning "take over. ...
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Occupation and realignment
If left-radicalism is defined as anti-capitalism and pacifism, American progressives and liberals in the tradition of Woodrow Wilson and Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson have never been radicals. The goal of progressive-liberals has ...
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Call to action for liberals
Santa Maria Times
Progressives, listen up. In one year, America will either get back on track toward economic recovery and social responsibility, or complete a retreat toward economic ruin and social injustice. Right-wing forces are armed to take back the presidency and ...
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Politicians Urged To Stick To Progressive Ideals
Osun Defender
Politicians in Osun State have been called to remain steadfast and stick to the ideals of progressive politics to move the state to greater heights. The call was made by a politician in Ijebu-Jesa, Mr. Ogunsola Anishere, after the Court of Appeal in ...
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Osun Defender
To calculate payback of progressive video poker, follow the math
Progressives are games where the top pays are not fixed dollar amounts or odds payouts, but rather have variable payouts that increase as more wagers are made since the last time the prize was won. Progressives have become very popular for table games ...
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Letter: Obama succeeding
Topeka Capital Journal
Ever since Woodrow Wilson led the progressive movement early this century, progressives have yearned for the power to implement their agenda through their policies. Progressives have a very simple goal. They want as many dependents on government ...
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Follow New America Media
Progressives, out of a mixture of political correctness and embarrassment, carefully avoid the subject. The Republicans are delighted at the silence, because it masks what should be fatal weaknesses in their own position. It may not be pleasant to hear ...
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Blogs1 new result for Progressives
Liberal-progressives protest while America yawns :: Political News ...
By Hyscience
Conn Carroll writes at Beltway Confidential: Liberals are all excited, again, about another poll showing some support for the Occupy Wall Street protests. Quinnipiac University released a poll, yesterday, finding that, by a 67 - 23 percent margin, ...

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