Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Google Alert - Conservatives

News10 new results for Conservatives
Hill conservatives warm to Romney
Congressional conservatives are beginning to send a subtle but clear message about the Republican presidential nomination: If it's Mitt Romney, they'll get in line. In fact, some are now clambering to get there first. Continue Reading Text Size - + ...
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Conservatives act to end Wheat Board monopoly
Toronto Star
A Conservative bill would make it voluntary for wheat and barley producers in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba to sell those grains through the Canadian Wheat Board, something that has been mandatory since 1943. OTTAWA—The Conservative government is ...
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Critics of omnibus bill 'advocate for criminals,' Conservatives charge
Globe and Mail
But Conservative MPs are questioning the credibility of those experts, suggesting they are advocating for criminals or are too detached from the real world to offer solid advice. "We believe the substance of this legislation both to be self-defeating ...
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Globe and Mail
Cullen calls for joint nominations to beat Harper
NDP MP and leadership candidate Nathan Cullen said Tuesday he's not advocating for a merger with other parties but wants them to hold joint nomination meetings for the next election in order to beat the Conservatives. Cullen said the proposal for the ...
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Ontario to get 13 new seats in Commons, officials say
Ottawa Citizen
Previous legislation contemplated by the federal Conservatives this year would have given Ontario 18 additional seats, or 124 in total. "It seems to back off a little bit," said Matthew Mendelsohn, director of the University of Toronto's Mowat Centre ...
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Two federal government departments in legal war with information czar
Vancouver Sun
By Glen McGregor, The Ottawa Citizen October 18, 2011 4:04 PM Even as Conservative MPs denounce the CBC for wasting taxpayers' money by fighting the Information Commissioner in Federal Court, both the Department of Justice and Public Safety Canada are ...
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Tories deny Green leader's gerrymandering allegations
Montreal Gazette
By Peter O'Neil, Postmedia News October 18, 2011 9:05 PM Green party leader Elizabeth May says the Conservatives are hoping to change her Vancouver Island riding boundaries before the next election in hopes of defeating her. OTTAWA — Green party ...
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Conservatives Plan New Parliamentary Tactic to Achieve Full Repeal of Health ...
Becker's Hospital Review
Conservative activists and healthcare experts, who anticipate a GOP takeover of the White House and Senate, are forming an alternative plan to President Obama's healthcare reform law in preparation for a full repeal, according to an LA Times report. ...
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Advocates join NY Conservative Party to re-elect pro-gay marriage GOP state ...
LGBTQ Nation
BUFFALO, NY — More than 250 gay, lesbian, and same-sex marriage activists have officially registered as members of the Erie County, NY Conservative Party — which historically opposes same-sex marriage — in an effort by activists to ensure the ...
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LGBTQ Nation
Cain called Jesus "the perfect conservative." (AP)
Houston Chronicle (blog)
"Never before and not since has there ever been such a perfect conservative" as Jesus Christ, Herman Cain wrote in an essay posted last year on Red State, citing the compassion, caring and common sense he practiced in the Bible. ...
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Houston Chronicle (blog)

Blogs4 new results for Conservatives
Pajamas Media » Blow to UK Conservatives: Liam Fox Resigns
By Mike McNally
Sadly for conservatives in both Britain and the U.S., any lingering hopes Fox may have had of one day leading his party have evaporated after he was forced to resign as secretary of state for defense. Fox quit after several days of revelations ...
Pajamas Media
Jon Stewart Discovers The Villains Conservatives Are Taking
By Frances Martel
It has been several years of Tea Party protests demanding Americans take back their country. With the Occupy Wall Street protests in full swing, Jon Stewart took a segment today to figure out who exactly the country had to be taken back from, ...
Google Donates to Conservatives : New University
By Tyler Hunt
Google has started donating lots of money to conservative causes after years of donating mostly to left-wing groups and candidates. This change in political behavior has prompted an interesting question: Why? Google has historically donated ...
New University
Rod Dreher » Frank Schaeffer: Get religious conservatives now!
By Rod Dreher
Frank Schaeffer: Get religious conservatives now! Rod Dreher October 18th, 2011. Share|. Many people have wondered for some time, "Just how far will Franky Schaeffer go before he is officially batsh*t insane?" Now we know: he's urging ...
Rod Dreher

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