Thursday, October 20, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
George F. Will: Progressives trying to twisting the Guarantee Clause
Tri-Valley Herald
DENVER -- Progressives have long lamented that the Framers designed a Constitution replete with impediments to federal government activism -- fetters such as federalism itself, enumerated powers, three branches of government, two rivalrous wings of the ...
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Progressives gather this weekend at Awake the State Summit to plan for ...
Florida Independent
Awake the State is hoping to educate activists on how to provide the progressive voice to the Legislature, a perspective that was largely absent during the past session. According to Ferrulo, the Legislature has "refused to close huge tax loopholes" in ...
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George F. Will: TABOR and the Guarantee Clause
By GEORGE F. WILL Leave a comment DENVER — Progressives have long lamented the fact that the Framers designed a Constitution replete with impediments to federal government activism — fetters such as federalism itself, enumerated powers, three ...
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The regressive right reawakens a progressive America
Baltimore Sun
By Robert B. Reich A fundamental war has been waged in this nation since its founding, between progressive forces pushing us forward and regressive forces pulling us backward. Progressives believe in openness, equal opportunity and tolerance. ...
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Burlington mayoral candidates find their 'values' (blog)
The Democrats obviously have written off the incumbent as a minor threat, sort of the way they've been written off themselves so many times in past mayoral elections dominated by Progressives. The fusion candidate of Democrat/Progressive mode did ...
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Miguel del Valle on Occupy Chicago: 'This is What Democracy Looks Like'
Last Saturday, he and political strategist Delmarie Cobb hosted the first of several forums titled Will the Real Progressives Please Stand Up! Some 250 people showed up at Northeastern Illinois University's Center for Inner City Studies on the South ...
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Tea Party Nation to Business Owners: Do Not Hire a Single Person
Opposing Views
This week, the Tea Party Nation told their members to abstain from hiring Americans to strike back at Obama (who is called a "dictator"), Democrats, Progressives, health care, media, Hollywood and the Occupy Wall Street movement. ...
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Opposing Views
Democratic Party names Derrick Harkins to lead faith outreach efforts
Washington Post
"It seems like a very positive step for the Democratic Party to tap someone who has connections . . . with progressives and conservatives. . . . It seems like an important bridge to start rebuilding," Rebecca Sager, a sociologist who studies ...
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Tribunal dismisses Akunyili's petition against Ngige
BY VINCENT UJUMADU AWKA-THE National and State Assemblies Elections Petition Tribunal sitting in Awka, yesterday, dismissed the petition filed by the candidate of All Progressives Grand Alliance, APGA, Prof. Dora Akunyili, against the candidate of ...
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Open Thread: HUAC Edition
Big Government
Originally HUAC was for commies but today it should be for all progressives we must find them expose them. The sooner the better b./c their influence over the uninformed, uneducated, unengaged zombie army is extremely powerful. ...
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Web2 new results for Progressives
Progressives wait as Kiss decides whether to seek third term ...
Burlington Mayor Bob Kiss plans to announce his intentions next month. Three Democrats and a Republican have already declared their interest in running in ...
Is Occupy Wall Street the Progressives' Last Gasp? | The Lonely ...
Dr. Martin R. Wolf believes that the Occupy Wall Street movement is the progressives' last gasp, as their policies are have gone down in utter failure. Li...

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