Thursday, October 20, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Will the end of Gadhafi sway US politics?
By David Gergen and Michael Zuckerman Editor's note: David Gergen is a senior political analyst for CNN and has been an adviser to four presidents. He is a professor of public service and director of the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard ...
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AUDIO: US politics 'rife with dirty tricks'
BBC News
The Ides of March, a new film directed by George Clooney about the US political campaign trail, has had its premier in London. Beau Willimon, who wrote the play on which the film is based, discusses how his experience of the dirty business of ...
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Leave us out of politics, says JTF spokesperson
Politicians should leave us out of politics because we have nothing to do with politics. "The task force is in the Niger Delta region to carry out a mandate given to it by the federal government." He said that it was unfortunate that some politicians ...
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Obama's Jobs Plan Is Blocked Again by Senate Republicans
New York Times
Despite the vote Thursday, Democrats said they hoped to gain a political edge, by forcing Republicans to vote on this and other discrete parts of broader legislation proposed by Mr. Obama to create jobs and revive the economy. Campaigning for his $447 ...
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Napolitano: Deportation reviews to begin shortly
Those factors include the person's length of time in the United States, whether the immigrant arrived as a child, served in the military and has a spouse, child or parent who is a US citizen. DHS officials say the new policy, which gives immigration ...
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China's Netizens Warn US Politicians to Back Off: Adam Minter
On Oct. 17, Chen Xu, a columnist with Shanghai's independent Oriental Morning Post, wrote that even though domestic politics are behind the US push for currency revaluation: It is impossible for the Beijing government to succumb to the external ...
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John Bryson confirmed as US Commerce secretary
Los Angeles Times
He co-founded the Natural Resources Defense Council, giving him environmental credentials that put him at political odds with some GOP senators. He will replace Gary Locke, who resigned to become US ambassador to China. John Bryson , new commerce ...
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Los Angeles Times
Fuming US told to give 'peace a chance'
The Nation, Pakistan
But success will take an inclusive national dialogue and sustained political (support), including from Afghanistan's neighbours," she said. The top US diplomat also said there was an "international effort to squeeze the Haqqani with their funding and ...
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The Nation, Pakistan
US Solar Panel Makers Accuse China of "Dumping"
The New American
Putting aside any political implications of the move by the Chinese government to "gut and own the US solar industry," as claimed by Brinser, the calls for punishment through tariffs and duties raises important economic questions. ...
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President Obama points to value of 'collective action' in Libya
Washington Post
"Without putting a single US service member on the ground, we achieved our objectives," Obama said Thursday in a brief Rose Garden appearance. Obama's technocratic approach to governing has served him far better in foreign policy, where facts, ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Mexico's President Says Chapo Guzman Likely in U.S. - TalkLeft ...
By Jeralyn
Liberal coverage of crime-related political and injustice news. ... Mexico's President Felipe Calderon said in an interview he believes Chapo Guzman, alleged billionaire drug lord with a $5 million award out for his capture, is in the U.S. ...

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
U.S. Politics Online: A Political Discussion Forum - Documentation
Visit the Archives for U.S. Politics Online -- U.S. Politics Online . net · Help. Remember Me? The Facebook Platform · Follow @USPOtweets ...

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