Friday, October 21, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News8 new results for Progressives
Progressives, Islamists huddle at Justice Department
Daily Caller
The meeting at George Washington University showcased the expanding alliance between American progressives and Islamists, said Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor in New York. Progressives "are making these Islamist groups into the [political] ...
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Progressives never let a good riot go to waste
Using this gut and passion na•vetŽ for political gain might be a progressive's dream come true. Biden might have spilled the beans when he referred to the Occupy Wall Street folks as having, "a lot in common with the tea party. ...
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STEINER: We need real progressives
Yale Daily News
Yet American history provides us with a great model for how we can move forward: the leadership of the Progressive Era Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. While we often compare our situation with that of the Great Depression, ...
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Americans United for Change versus Glen Beck
Washington Times
If a conservative group did send those emails out, progressives would have heart-attacks. They would go on the nuclear war path. They would whine about freedom of speech and censorship. They'd fire-up the rhetoric machine, and those campaigns would be ...
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Washington Times
Future sale of native grasslands in southeast Alberta ruled out
Vancouver Sun
By James Wood, Calgary Herald October 21, 2011 Premier Alison Redford all but ruled out any future sale of 6500 hectares of native grasslands used as grazing area in southeast Alberta a day after her Progressive Conservative government announced it ...
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'All About ALEC': Get the scoop Saturday on the corporate machine that runs ...
Capital Times (blog)
And they can do so Saturday at the "All About ALEC" forum sponsored by Oregon Area Progressives. With featured speakers such as US Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., and Wisconsin legislators such as state Sen. Mark Miller and state Reps. ...
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Canadian Prime Minister Barry Soetoro?
Canada Free Press
'Progressives', Mr. Benson, not only abound on both sides of the border, but crawl into the highest places of power. Perhaps progressives of the Canadian variety, are more transparent than American ones. The Communist Party of Canada, our country's ...
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Canada Free Press
The San Diego Union-Tribune is on the Rocks
Local progressives have been watching in bemusement for several years as The San Diego Union-Tribune – once Richard Nixon's favorite news source – radically chops staff, loses circulation and, more importantly, sees its once-dominant and domineering ...
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Blogs2 new results for Progressives
Moonbattery » Bukchang: What Progressives Are Progressing Toward
By Dave Blount
Bukchang: What Progressives Are Progressing Toward. With every passing day, the ratchet moves another notch to the left. Government gets bigger; our freedom gets smaller. This path can only take us to one place: total government. ...
Progressives, Islamists huddle at Justice Department
By A. Smithee
Progressives, Islamists huddle at Justice Department. "Top Justice Department officials convened a meeting Wednesday where invited Islamist advocates lobbied them for cutbacks in anti-terror funding, changes in agents' training manuals, ...
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