Friday, October 21, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
Senator Lashes Out at Critics Who Say He Embellished His Family's Story
New York Times
Mr. Rubio's confusion over the precise facts of his family's journey from Cuba to the United States does raise questions about his level of experience and whether he is prepared for the scrutiny of high-stakes national politics. "Is this a kill shot? ...
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Analysis: Will Obama's foreign policy success help?
By Steve Holland WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama delivered on another foreign policy promise on Friday with plans to pull the last US troops from Iraq. But in a re-election campaign all about the weak US economy, he may not get much ...
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Ritholtz Says Fed Policy Can't Fix U.S. Economic Woes
Washington Post
Oct. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Barry Ritholtz, chief executive officer of FusionIQ, talks about the impact of Federal Reserve monetary policy on the US economy. Ritholtz also discusses the Occupy Wall Street protests. He speaks with Matt Miller on Bloomberg ...
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Mitt Romney blasts Obama's decision to withdraw all US troops from Iraq
Los Angeles Times
By James Oliphant Mitt Romney condemned President Obama's decision to recall all US troops from Iraq by the end of the year, essentially accusing the administration Friday of increasing the risk that the country will tumble into political chaos or fall ...
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Los Angeles Times
U.S. public policy: Hamstrung by special interests
Houston Chronicle (blog)
His analysis, though dismal, is completely accurate — US policy is paralyzed by moneyed special interests, and it is eating away at our democracy and hindering any chance at progress. Currently, the US economy teeters on the brink of disaster — with ...
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Houston Chronicle (blog)
Fisker, electric carmaker backed by $529 million US loan, balks at Solyndra ...
Washington Post
The Fisker commitment was questioned by some from the start, partly because of the company's political connections. A key investor is a venture capital firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, whose partners include former Democratic vice president Al ...
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US wants action in days, Pakistan for talks first
The Nation, Pakistan
Pakistani policy makers have argued that military operations offer limited gains and that now is the time to concentrate on a comprehensive reconciliation ahead of the planned Nato withdrawal from Afghanistan. It has so far refused to open a new front ...
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The Nation, Pakistan
Poll: 37 percent back 'Occupy'
In January, 49 percent said they felt furious when they thought about US politics. Continue Reading Text Size - + reset POLITICO 44 While many say politics makes them angry, even more — nine out of 10 — say the political situation frustrates them, ...
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Bernie Sanders: America's No1 socialist makes his move into the mainstream
The Guardian
His constant slamming of Wall Street, his critiques of big business and the excesses of money in politics, as well as his call for a defence of American jobs, have become hot issues in US politics. The senator from Vermont is now a regular on American ...
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The Guardian

Blogs3 new results for U.S. Politics
Marco Rubio edits his U.S. Senate bio | Naked Politics
By Erika Bolstad
U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio has changed the passage in his official biography that said his parents "came to America following Fidel Castro's takeover." Records show his parents first arrived in 1956; Castro did not takeover until 1959. Rubio still ...
Naked Politics
Gaddafi should not have been killed - Lavrov — RT
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Friday responded to a broad array of questions by listeners of the Voice of Russia, Radio Russia and Ekho Moskvy radio stations.
News RSS : Today
Gadhafi is gone but other US foes remain - Politics ...
Moammar Gadhafi now joins the ranks of other powerful foreign leaders, many of them dictators or autocrats, who have battled the United States only to come to a bad end. Homepage

Web3 new results for U.S. Politics
U.s. Politics | David Cay Johnston
The practice of favoring big corporations seems likely to take a costly leap forward soon, if Congress passes an $80 billion tax holiday for a handful of U.S. ...
Analyst: 'Tribal Warfare' Characterizes US Politics
The U.S. political system has "descended into what you could call tribal warfare," and there is little hope for relief any time soon, a national political research ...
Pipeline becoming flashpoint in U.S. politics -
The issue has pitted labour against the U.S. environmental lobby — two of the very groups that came together to help elect President Barack Obama.

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