Sunday, October 23, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News4 new results for Progressives
Ashe hopes to prevail as fusion candidate for Burlington mayor
He said that he also "will accept" the Progressive nomination – but only if he wins the Democratic nod first. If he doesn't, Progressives will have to scramble for another nominee, or settle for Bob Kiss, an embattled incumbent who has frustrated much ...
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OccupyOC: Anti-establishment streak surges anew
And progressives have repeatedly hit the streets. In the early 1980s, Carpenter and Vassos were among protesters outside the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, with the ultimate hope of banning nuclear energy. For several years later that decade, ...
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Today's Students 'Don't Know Much About History'
Big Government
The short answer is no, but it would take literally for all Progressives and Liberals to be completely gone from our political system. The probability of that happening is about as good as winning the powerball lottery. This started gaining traction ...
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The Return of Barbarism
(This horrified the progressives of that era, who had abandoned their skin-deep anti-war views when Hitler attacked the Soviet Union, and were mainly concerned with protecting their precious "workers' fatherland." Remember, this was a time when such ...
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