Sunday, October 23, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
U.S. aid runs afoul of politics in Pakistan
Richmond Times Dispatch
By: SEBASTIAN ABBOT | AP US aid could have transformed Pakistan's largest maternity hospital, where rats run through the halls, patients sleep three to a bed, women who require C-sections aren't getting them because only one operating room is ...
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Republicans Turn Judicial Power Into a Campaign Issue
New York Times
... to abolish the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, calling it a "rogue" court that is "consistently radical." Criticism of "activist judges" and of particular Supreme Court decisions has long been a staple of political campaigns. ...
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Well-Known Felon Still Draws a Crowd, but Louisiana Has Moved On
New York Times
"I think politics has passed him by," Mr. Alario said after a birthday roast of Mr. Edwards at the Hotel Monteleone in New Orleans this summer. "What you saw were lots of elderly people," Mr. Alario said of the crowd at the roast. ...
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New York Times
'Political Risk from US Fiscal, Trade & Financial Policy'
Connectcut Plus
Sean West is Director, United States, for the Eurasia Group will be speaking about political risk as a response to the recent financial crisis. The event will begin at 7:00 PM at the New Canaan Library on October 24, 2011. This free program is part of ...
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Political Blotter: Cal alum nominated to 9th Circuit court
San Jose Mercury News
By Josh Richman This is a sampling from Bay Area News Group's Political Blotter blog. Read more and post comments at President Barack Obama today nominated a Cal alumnus and former federal prosecutor to serve on the 9th US Circuit ...
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Sen. McCain Says US May Consider Military Action in Syria
Fox News
Syria is a geographical and political keystone in the heart of the Middle East, bordering five countries with which it shares religious and ethnic minorities and, in Israel's case, a fragile truce. Its web of alliances extends to Lebanon's powerful ...
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Fox News
If The U.S. And Pakistan Fight, Afghanistan Doesn't Have Our Back
While it may seem like Karzai is calling out the US with his statements, they might actually be in the best interests of US foreign policy. Cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan would only help the Afghan war effort. Neither Karzai or Pakistan ...
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Politics Trumps Security in Obama's Bungled Troop Negotiations with Iraq (blog)
Negotiations with the Iraqi government stalled in part because Iraqi political leaders balked at taking political risks to approve an unpopular extension of immunity from prosecution for US troops. It was clear to them that the Obama Administration was ...
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Why the U.S. couldn’t stay in Iraq
To extend the stay of even just a few US troops was to extend what many Iraqis, mindful of their country's history, considered another occupation. In the end, Prime Minister Maliki got very little support from any other Iraqi political identity. ...
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Awful Reasons Why Obama Could Get Reelected
by Joel S. Hirschhorn (Swans - October 24, 2011) I can hardly imagine how people in other countries fathom US politics. Here we are, finally, seeing street protests in many American cities that are long overdue, just like those that helped overturn ...
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Blogs1 new result for U.S. Politics
Hungarian official aims to sooth US fears over legislative process ...
Hungary is ready to make its legislative process clearer to the United States, Gergely Prohle, deputy state secretary at Hungary's foreign ministry said at talks in Washington. Prohle told MTI early on Saturday that he had met Thomas O Melia, ...

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