Monday, October 24, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Progressives Launch 'Thanks Obamacare' Campaign, Embracing Putdown
NPR (blog)
A couple of progressive groups in Colorado have launched a campaign called "Thanks Obamacare" to focus attention on provisions of the law they believe should be widely hailed. Among its "10 reasons to thank Obamacare..." the groups cite the law's ban ...
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<p>Why Won't Progressives Fight for Federal Judges?</p>
Slate Magazine
A number of prominent liberals, meanwhile, have been bemoaning the way Democrats have ceded the entire Constitution to conservatives when everybody knows its heart belongs to progressives. I'm right there with them, of course. ...
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Slate Magazine
Top-Funded Purported Progressive Org Gets Another Dlc Right Wing Democrat
By Rob Kall (about the author) When the Center for American Progress came into existence there was much touting of it being the progressive, lefty answer to all the right wing policy promotion "think tanks." The problem was, it was led and directed by ...
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Islamists in Tunisia: Not Progressive, Backed by Saudi Arabia
The Nation. (blog)
Progressives in Tunisia, and all around the world, ought to hope that's not the case. It's not that Al Nahda are radicals or terrorists, but by now it ought to be painfully clear that throughout the region the Islamists range from reactionary to ...
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The Nation. (blog)
Pro-War Progressives and Facts, Both Stubborn Things (blog)
It is truly startling at how many self-styled 'progressives' are still intent on apologizing for Barack Obama's Bushian foreign policy. Perhaps the most disturbing article that I have read by apologists for Bush-lite was Robert Creamer's "A Great Day: ...
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Obama's Other Power Tools
National Journal
If Congress won't help, the president can still use his executive leverage to push ahead with progressive goals. By Bruce Stokes The political gods have not favored progressives in recent years. The 2008 election delivered an extremely popular ...
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New historical novel tells of working-class progressives in 19th-century England
MMD Newswire (press release)
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ (MMD Newswire) October 24, 2011 -- "Arrows of Desire" (ISBN 1439271941), a novel by Sandra Adickes, follows the working-class Benton family of Manchester, England as they struggle for Parliamentary reform and social progress over ...
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Clean house
Naples Daily News
When I read responses to my letters from progressives, I consider it a success. I'm not sure if it's because my letters are controversial, or maybe the progressives are just getting a little edgy with me constantly pointing out the flaws in their role ...
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Point of convergence
The reason is there is no distinction between these progressives and traditionalists in terms of the nature and scope of their motives, ends and means. The so-called Nepali progressives have been attempting to dismantle every bits and pieces of history ...
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Former lawmakers begin anti-corruption campaign
Daily Times Nigeria
As legislators, they fronted a group named the Progressives, demanding the removal of then speaker, Dimeji Bankole, whom they accused of corruption. Bankole has been charged by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, for corruption. ...
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Blogs1 new result for Progressives
Constitutional Republic Under Siege: Progressives Plan to Abolish ...
By robot
Constitutional Republic Under Siege: Progressives Plan to Abolish Electoral College! October 24, 2011 | Author robot. From Jared Law at The 9.12 Project: The so-called 'National Popular Vote' movement is, indeed, a threat to the electoral ...
Mind-Numbed Robot

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