Monday, October 24, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
US politics live blog: Obama's new mortgage plan, Republican presidential ...
The Guardian (blog)
Why, Mitt Romney with $43750 versus Barack Obama's $42675, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Herman Cain's presidential campaign has been raising more the $1ma week since Oct 1, campaign spokesman JD Gordon told NBC News. ...
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The Guardian (blog)
ANALYSIS: Iran: the US's perpetual bad boy —SP Seth
Pakistan Daily Times
But to the extent that Iran has become a fresh issue in US politics, allegedly plotting to kill the Saudi ambassador, this might encourage Israel to create a further diversion by bombing Iranian nuclear installations with US understanding, ...
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Obama makes war policy an election strength
However, a string of foreign policy successes -- including the killings of terrorist leaders Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, and now the toppling of the Gadhafi regime in Libya without the loss of any US service members -- have made Obama ...
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Senators Outraged US Borrowing Big From China While Also Giving It Aid
Fox News
... the House is about to examine Chinese trade policy across the board. But as lawmakers debate those more complicated issues, some are asking a simpler question -- why keep sending money to a country trying to undercut the US seemingly at every turn?
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US Think Tank: Easier To Craft Big Budget Deal Than Small One
MNI News
By John Shaw WASHINGTON (MNI) - Pondering the complex and often counterintuitive world of US fiscal politics, the Center for a Responsible Federal Budget argues in a new policy paper that it will actually be easier for Congress to assemble and pass a ...
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Threatened US Ambassador Pulled from Syria, Violent Crackdown Continues
The Faster Times
Presently, the US has few options in addressing the humanitarian and political crisis in Syria. The Assad regime has used brutal force in its attempts to quell the fomenting opposition, with the UN reporting that over 3000 largely unarmed demonstrators ...
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Obama's Iraq exit a risky strategy
Chicago Sun-Times
Now Obama is wagering that he can pull all US troops out of the country by year's end with no political or foreign policy costs. He's almost certainly right on the politics. Ending US combat presence in Iraq fulfills a 2008 campaign promise. ...
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Bachmann: Iraq should repay US
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The decision to withdraw the troops seems more "political-based than it does military-based," Bachmann said, noting that the US military requested 15000 to 18000 troops stay in the Middle Eastern country. The US will leave Iraq "a nation that is very ...
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Top Dems oppose policy on detaining terror suspects in defense bill, exposes ...
Washington Post
In a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., the lawmakers — Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy and Intelligence Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein — said the provisions would undercut US counterterrorism efforts and urged him to remove the ...
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State GOP primary will be winner-take-all
Orlando Sentinel
Our staff will have a presence at local political events." Businessman Herman Cain and US Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, both have promised open field offices, and both held Florida strategy meetings last weekend. But neither has announced anything yet. ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
Nuns, Priests, Monks—and US Foreign Policy « Georgetown ...
By georgetownup
This tragedy roused the members of the Society of Jesus, four thousand of whom were US citizens, to exert their substantial influence on US policy regarding the war in El Salvador. This instance is not the only time that a Catholic order has ...
Georgetown University Press Blog
How political economy theory can explain OWS – Chris Blattman
By Chris Blattman
If one admits that de jure U.S. politics, while democratic in form, has certain parts of it (e.g. monetary policy, financial regulation, tax policy) captured by elites regardless of the politician in power, then this democratization model becomes pretty ...
Chris Blattman

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
U.S. politics | Blogs
>Tags>U.S. politics. U.S. politics RSS ... analysts alike. Some claim Mr. Cain's plan would shift the tax burden in the United States, raising … Continue reading → ...

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