Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Progressives Launch Anti-Keystone XL Pipeline Ad Campaign
Huffington Post
WASHINGTON -- Progressives fighting to stop the construction of TransCanada's Keystone XL pipeline found a new outlet for their message this week with the launch of a national ad campaign pushing President Obama to halt "a crime in progress. ...
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Shuffle Master's Inter-Casino Progressive Jackpot Debuts at Red Rock Resort ...
MarketWatch (press release)
The cross-property progressive jackpot is the first of its kind for table games in Nevada, linking Fortune Pai Gow Poker Progressive(R) tables across multiple properties to offer faster-incrementing jackpots. To win the Fortune Pai Gow Poker ...
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Problems of a progressive project
Sri Lanka Guardian
(October 26, Paris, Sri Lanka Guardian) If the progressive movement stands for anything anywhere, it must stand for justice and fair-play, nationally and internationally, as well as for reforms which would ensure and enshrine such fair-play. ...
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Tanden heads CAP
Politico (blog)
"We have to recognize that we as progressives have not provided all the answers the public is looking for on economic growth and the future of the American Dream," Neera Tanden, the incoming president of the Center for American Progress, told POLITICO. ...
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Shame on the ADL and AJC for Putting Progressive Politics Before Israel
Big Government
In fact at times each of the groups have put its progressive politics ahead of its duty to the Jewish Community. Now these groups have a message to the Jewish Community, "If you don't support Barack Obama, Shut The Heck Up! The Anti-Defamation League ...
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Constitution Is Inherently Principled, Not Progressive
Big Government
by David J. Bobb In their recent Politico article, "Constitution is inherently progressive," John Podesta (former chief of staff to President Clinton and current president of the Center for American Progress) and John Halpin argue that the "values" of ...
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Weinberger mixes commitment, business leadership in bid for Burlington mayor
I align myself with progressives but I come from a different background," he explains. "There is an opportunity to do things differently." Point three focuses on BT, stressing the need for a strong negotiator to resolve the debt, deal with the state ...
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OWS and the Progressive Fantasy
American Thinker
Sounds like Progressive philosophy to me. Sara Robinson, senior fellow at the progressive Campaign for America's Future, delivers a spot-on descriptive quote in an article from The New Republic. In this article Robinson is attempting to put forth why ...
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'Why I'm Challenging President Obama in the Democratic Primaries'
Uncovered Politics
I simply didn't anticipate the kind of paralysis that seems to have immobilized the party's progressives when it comes to challenging a sitting President of their own party. Sadly, there's no Gene McCarthy on the horizon. Yet we need, perhaps now more ...
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Uncovered Politics
'Red Army' Behind Occupy Wall Street?
Fox News
Even before the candidacy of Obama – whose entire political career had been spent under the tutelage of "progressives," including some of its leading figures – this radical network had already succeeded over the decades in infiltrating major ...
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Web1 new result for Progressives
Can Progressives Reclaim 'Obamacare'? - Politics - GOOD
Conservatives use "Obamacare" as a slur, but a new campaign is fighting back.

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