Friday, October 28, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News10 new results for Progressives
Fitch Affirms Progressive's Ratings; Outlook Stable
MarketWatch (press release)
Fitch also affirms Progressive's operating subsidiaries' Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating at 'AA'. A complete list of ratings follows the end of the release. The Rating Outlook is Stable. Fitch's ratings are based on Progressive's excellent ...
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Progressive group stands out as the lone Lee endorser
San Francisco Bay Guardian
Mayor Ed Lee's support by the wealthy power brokers and his checkered history with the Willie Brown administration has caused most progressive groups to shun him in this election, with one notable exception. San Francisco Rising Action Fund, ...
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Progressives clash with Boehner over standing with the 99%!
YouTube - Join the fight! On Oct. 26, these bold candidates fought for the 99% -- delivering 35000 "We stand with the 99%" messages to Speaker John Boehner. Video: Anthony Demieri.
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A progressive dialogue: Building a progressive feminist movement in neo ...
While my love affair with the left has been plagued with anger and frustration, I remain not only convinced that progressive movements must include the dismantling of patriarchy as a key element of their analysis and action, but that a neo-liberal ...
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Progressivism on tap with Faiz Shakir and Ali Savino
Center For American Progress
Please join us for an in-depth look at the Occupy movements and how they relate to progressive politics today. PROGRESSIVISM ON TAP is a lecture and discussion series founded by the Progressive Studies Program at the Center for American Progress, ...
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Majority of by-election 'Power Twitterians' were progressives
The figures provide a clear confirmation, by a nearly fivefold margin, that social networking services lean toward the progressive side. Most of the eight media accounts in the top 100 were from progressive news outlets. All of the users whose messages ...
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Property-wide progressives now at table games
Las Vegas and Poker Blog (blog)
In slot machines, wide-area progressives (affectionately known as WAPs) are funded by the coin-in of all players playing on that link throughout every casino, the guts of which are in secret labs in Reno, Nev. That's why the progressive numbers are ...
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DS-SNS coalition "would be meaningless"
"Citizens know that there are no guarantees that the radical fraction called the Progressives will not turn into something third tomorrow. Those are the same politicians who offered us changes four years ago by wearing T-shirts with (Serb Radical Party ...
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Talking politics and religion with Dennis Gruending
Ottawa Citizen
Q: Why do you see the battles between the political proxies of religious progressives and conservatives becoming more intense? A: I think over time the religious right has become embedded in a wider conservative movement. This certainly happened in the ...
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Former M-19 member leads polls for Bogota mayor
Petro, of the Progressives party, is expected to win 30 percent of the vote in Sunday's municipal elections, according to a poll by the Centro Nacional de Consultoría published in El Tiempo. Behind him is former Bogotá Mayor Enrique Peñalosa of the ...
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