Friday, October 28, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
Beyond 2012 Field, Nuanced GOP Views on Immigrants
New York Times
We ought not to be doing things to hurt the economy right now, and I think this hurts us politically." In addition to worrying that Hispanics are turning away from their party, some Republicans feel the heat from local employers, who need immigrant ...
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More US companies shed light on political spending
By Kim Dixon WASHINGTON, Oct 28 (Reuters) - More American companies are bending to shareholder pressure to reveal their spending to sway political campaigns despite court decisions allowing unfettered corporate cash in elections, according to a study ...
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Presidential Candidates? Few Are the 99 Percent
New York Times
The wealth of the candidates exacerbates the sense that politicians are far removed from middle-class American lives. "You want to know that elected leaders understand the consequences of their political decisions," said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, ...
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New York Times
In US, High Interest in National Politics for Non-Election Year (blog)
by Lymari Morales WASHINGTON, DC -- Americans' interest in national politics is holding at the elevated level seen in 2009 after record-high attention paid in 2008. More than one in three Americans (35%) say they are following news about national ...
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Democratic-leaning group seeking a speaker? The president of the US just might ...
Washington Post
Now may be the time to send President Barack Obama an invitation, especially if your group represents a key political constituency. Obama has been making the rounds of Washington's awards dinners and black-tie galas this fall, donning a tuxedo or dark ...
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U.S. policy undermines moderate Palestinians
National Catholic Reporter
Instead, he has simply eroded further the support of his liberal base that believes Palestinians, no more or less than Israelis, have the right to national self-determination. [Stephen Zunes is a professor of politics and coordinator of the Middle ...
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National Catholic Reporter
Muslims and Government: Contrasting America and Britain
Huffington Post (blog)
The American Muslim Political Coordination Council, an umbrella organization that includes four major groups in the US, has declared that civil rights are now its major concern and the single most important challenge for the American Muslim community. ...
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Tea Party And 'Occupy': Can't They All Get Along?
But first, in our political chat, we want to talk about not one, but two grassroots movements that seem to be having an influence on American politics right now. We're about a month into protests by a group known as Occupy Wall Street, ...
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Cantor aide shows fancy footwork at US Capitol
Washington Post (blog)
"In politics, most things are somewhat choreographed — from a press conference to rolling out a big media announcement," Whittemore tells the newspaper. "You want to be as well-rehearsed as possible, aware of what topics are on reporters' minds. ...
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Cantor: Don't demonize the wealthy
Chicago Tribune
By Rick Pearson Clout Street US House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said today a push by the Obama Administration and Democrats to raise taxes on the wealthy is an effort to "demonize people that have earned success" and would be a disincentive for ...
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Blogs3 new results for U.S. Politics
"The Ides of March" Warns Us of Our Broken Political System - IPS
George Clooney's new film takes us beyond school-taught political science and into the reality of murky deal-cutting arenas.
IPS: Latest Content
Sexual Politics at the Movies - Opinion - PatriotPost.US
By Suzanne Fields
It lacks tragic dimensions, it's melodramatic without complexity of character, and it has a neatly constructed plot that has no emotional depth, sliding over the surfaces of the political world as we have come to know it, up close and personal.
The Patriot Post
The Realist Prism: U.S. Must Put Words Into ... - World Politics Review
By (Nikolas Gvosdev)
In my WPR column two weeks ago, I argued that a key challenge facing U.S. policymakers in the coming decade was in defining how the U.S. "should prioritize its interests, commitments and partnerships." A number of recent articles and ...
World Politics Review: Articles

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Woodard says regionalism explains why U.S. politics are so divisive ...
The Minot Daily News serves the readers of North Central North Dakota including Ward County and the Minot Air Force Base, home to B-52H Stratofortress ...

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