Saturday, October 29, 2011

Google Alert - Progressives

News5 new results for Progressives
Shuffle Master's Inter-Casino Progressive Jackpot Debuts at Red Rock Resort ...
Benzinga (press release)
Shuffle Master, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select Market: SHFL) ("Shuffle Master" or the "Company") announced today that it has established a progressive jackpot link between Red Rock Resort and Sunset Station for its popular specialty table game Fortune Pai ...
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Occupy movement is largely secular
Los Angeles Times
Some left-leaning religious groups see a golden opportunity in the Occupy movement, whose central message of greater economic equality resonates deeply among faith-based progressives. "Our tradition and our scriptures are so clear that we're supposed ...
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Los Angeles Times
Smokers' Corner: The dubious left
They asked whether the leftists or the progressives have been the only ones conscious about the country's correct line of historical discourse. Not at all. There is almost as much myth-making involved in certain sections of the so-called Left as there ...
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Talking politics AND religion
Ottawa Citizen
Here he speaks with PAul Gessell By Paul Gessell, Ottawa Citizen October 29, 2011 WHY DO YOU SEE THE BATTLES BETWEEN THE POLITICAL PROXIES OF RELIGIOUS PROGRESSIVES AND CONSERVATIVES BECOMING MORE INTENSE? I think over time the religious right has ...
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On the Rally to Restore the Constitution, 11/11/11 Washington DC
Canada Free Press
The Progressives, as is their wont, have it all bass ackwards, and feel that an ideal government is that which governs the most, and forces people to do as they are told. Such a doctrine is anathema to the American spirit. Unfortunately, due to decades ...
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Web1 new result for Progressives
Progressives clash with Boehner over the 99%! - YouTube - Join the fight! On Oct. 26, these bold candidates fought for the 99% -- delivering 35000 "We stand with the 99 ...

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