Saturday, October 29, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News9 new results for U.S. Politics
Mexican Trucks In US Still Face Political Long Haul
It took that long because labor and political interests delayed the program. The same forces are trying to stop it now that it's begun. Hufbauer says letting these trucks on US highways is long overdue and could help North American commerce. ...
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Comedian Is Serious, Mostly, as Candidate
New York Times
He highlights his politically lethal gaffes because another part of his platform is unwavering transparency. The fact that his chief opponent, Mayor Matti Herrera Bower, is a two-term, 72-year-old Cuban-American who promotes her experience and ...
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New York Times
Obama: Italian-American experience a lesson on how to view today's immigrants
Washington Post
Obama was speaking at the National Italian American Foundation Gala, an annual event that attracts some of the nation's top political and entertainment luminaries of Italian descent. He joked he wasn't lucky enough to have Italian ancestry. ...
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Florida Sen. Bill Nelson in unfamiliar political territory
"It's a lot easier for people of like political minds to talk to each other and to reinforce each other and to stir each other up. That is contributing to the polarization in American politics, that you get people willing and able only to talk to ...
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Why Our Candidates Disappoint Us
New York Times
And so it is in politics, as the wellsprings of hope are so often laced with the contaminants of despair. Perhaps it couldn't be otherwise. All of us have the misfortune of having grown up in imperfect families, born with a set of designer genes that ...
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New York Times
America shOWS its soul
The Hindu
What was most remarkable about the Tea Party's meteoric rise in US politics since 2009 was not so much that a horizontally-structured movement could capture the imagination of so many ordinary Americans, but the fact that it could do so despite ...
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The Hindu
Dishonest politicians lead us down tainted road
Morning Sentinel
We continue letting dishonest politicians lead us down this tainted road of so-called recovery. Stimulus money that goes to companies in bankruptcy or go out of business, money for jobs that go out of the United States, money for banks so CEOs can ...
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SF could elect first Asian-American mayor
The Associated Press
"The Chinese read newspapers religiously, they are very well informed," he said. "Even the little granny on the street corner will be talking politics." When Lee was named interim mayor, it was a big development for the Chinese-American community. ...
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Looking for the Dream of America
Huffington Post
It is high time to occupy America again; not the America of partisan politics and corporate influence; but the America that can hold and keep alive the dreams of its young people, the America that can employ people in meaningful work and draw upon the ...
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Blogs5 new results for U.S. Politics
EA WorldView - Home - US Politics Feature: Is It "The Curse of the ...
By Lee Haddigan
US Politics. Take a look at, the political betting website, and Mitt Romney has got the Republican presidential nomination wrapped up. He is currently given a 69% chance of becoming the GOP candidate in 2012, with Rick Perry ...
EA WorldView
No talks unless US changes dual-faced policy, says Taliban – The ...
'Unless US shuns its fickleness and shows unwavering commitment to peace talks, dialogue is not possible.'
The Express Tribune
Mexican Trucks In U.S. Still Face Political Long Haul | KOSU Radio
By KOSU News
It took that long because labor and political interests delayed the program. The same forces are trying to stop it now that it's begun. Hufbauer says letting these trucks on U.S. highways is long overdue and could help North American commerce. ...
KOSU Radio
World rebukes America's Cuba policy, but US says Fidel Castro ...
The US has spent nearly half a century since the Kennedy administration trying to bring democracy to steadfastly communist Cuba through crippling economic sanctions.
9-9-9 and the Institutional Structure of the US Government
By Steven L. Taylor
The US political system simply does not allow for even the possibility of bold political proposal like Herman Cain's 9-9-9 proposal. Forget for a moment about the merits of the proposal and concentrate on the significance of both a candidate ...
Outside the Beltway

Web2 new results for U.S. Politics
r/Politics, Please help us rock our professors world. : politics
We're in a Social Studies Methods Class (How to teach Social Studies), and we created this **political** survey as an example activity for students to...
US politics live blog: Rick Perry's flat tax plan and ... - One News Page
US politics live blog: Rick Perry's flat tax plan and birther comments, Herman Cain's viral video: Rick Perry spoils his flat tax launch with remarks on Obama's ...

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