Monday, October 10, 2011

Google Alert - U.S. Politics

News10 new results for U.S. Politics
US Politics Won't Derail China's Yuan Strategy
Wall Street Journal
By Tom Orlik US politics and volatile financial markets make for strange times for the yuan. But don't bet on a change in China's exchange-rate strategy. The last two weeks have brought a bumpy ride for China's currency. On Sept. ...
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Wall Street Journal
US Politics: Romney ahead after Perry Pastor's Mormon slur
With President Barack Obama looking embattled - struggling to force through his jobs bill, disappointing liberals with his failure to intervene in executions and, most significantly, the US economy in freefall - these should be exciting times for the ...
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Wadhwa Urges U.S. to Fix Policy on Skilled Immigration
Washington Post
Oct. 10(Bloomberg) -- Vivek Wadhwa, director of research at Duke University's Center for Entrepreneurship and a Bloomberg contributor, talks about the impact of US immigration policy on the nation's economy and workforce. He speaks with Jon Erlichman ...
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Zardari lacks political will, secretly in league with US: Nawaz
The News International
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Mian Nawaz Sharif on Monday said time had proved that President Zardari had no political will and was secretly in league with the United States. Talking on the Geo News programme 'Lekin', ...
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Why Democrats Will Never Have a Permanent Advantage in American Politics
Fox News
The Tea Party has reinvigorated US politics in general and the Republican base in particular. The government, Democrats and Republicans, has shifted slightly to the right to accommodate the Tea Party. A policy must be able to gain Tea Party support if ...
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Occupy Wall Street v. Tea Party: the further polarization of US voters
Globe and Mail
The Occupy Wall Street movement that is mushrooming across the United States (with Canadian copycats) threatens to further turn the 2012 election cycle into a shouting match between the extremes of US politics. In the early days of the three-week-old ...
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Globe and Mail
NYU's Sargent Shares Nobel With Princeton's Sims for Economic Policy Work
Sargent called US budget policy "very uncertain" because the government can't keep all the pledges it's made on future benefits while keeping taxes down. "It's not clear which of the incredible promises are going to be broken first," he said. ...
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Q&A: US Sen. Bernie Sanders welcomes Occupy Wall Street message
It's important for more people for understand that, both in terms of economics and in politics, there's something very wrong when so few own so much and have so much political power — and when so many have so little political power and money. ...
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Doctors emphasize science as politics impedes HPV vaccine use
Chicago Tribune
By Karen Ann Cullotta, Special to the Tribune Months before US Rep. Michele Bachmann blasted an HPV vaccine mandate as a "government injection" during a heated Republican presidential primary debate, a suburban Chicago school board voted quietly and ...
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Obama Jobs Council Calls for Sweeping Changes in Federal Policies
Fox News
... visas to all foreign students after they earn science, technology, engineering or math degrees from US colleges or universities. "We are sympathetic to the political sensitivities around the topic of immigration reform," the council report states. ...
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Blogs2 new results for U.S. Politics
China Currency Bill: Politics vs. Economics, Is the U.S. ready for a ...
China Currency Bill: Politics vs. Economics, Is the U.S. ready for a global trade war? :: The Market Oracle :: Financial Markets Analysis & Forecasting Free Website.
The Market Oracle
'Russia will find cheap reply to US missile defense' - Lavrov — RT
Russia will not need substantial funds to present an adequate reply to the planned US missile defense systems in Europe, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has said.
News RSS : Today

Web1 new result for U.S. Politics
Americas MexicoBlog: Drug War Politics: Sending U.S. troops to ...
Drug War Politics: Sending U.S. troops to Mexico a "bad idea". CBS News: " Sending U.S. troops to Mexico to help fight drug cartels is a bad idea, Republican ...

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